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Table Of Contents
       0x00 Reason.........................
       0x01 Home Address...................
       0x02 Credit Card....................
       0X03 IP Address.....................

GTA roleplay serial shit talker got phished. In a seething mess of rage, he said he'd rape my little
sister and make her his "e baby". Paxxys has also admitted that he likes to pull girls IPs through
xresolver, and DDoS them if they don't do what he asks. He's a reincarnation of vYelrah. Could make
this dox massive, but can't be fucked, so here are the essentials.


? 5 Hansen Pl
? Shortland, New South Wales

? Bedrooms   :  3
? Toilets    :  N/A                                       - [HE TRIES DENYING THIS IS  
? Garage     :  1                                             HIS ADDY, BUT SPOTIFY
                                                               RECEIPTS DON'T LIE]
? Price      :  $350,000 - $590,000
? Land size  :	1,189 m²
? Floor area :	Unavailable
? Year built :	Unavailable


? Cardholder  :  Trent Robinson
? Card number :  4836771230117072
? Expiration  :  01 / 23
? CVV         :  449
? Full Name   :  Trent Robinson
? Address     :  N/A
? Zip/Post    :  N/A
? Country     :  Australia
? Phone       :  N/A
? SSN         :  N/A
? DOB         :  24/09/2003


? IP         :
? Continent  :	Oceania (OC)
? Country    :	Australia 
? Capital    :	Canberra
? State      :	New South Wales
? City       :	Newcastle
? Postal     :	2300
? ISP        :	Telstra Corporation Ltd
? Org        :	Telstra Corporation Ltd                                          
                                                                       █▀█ ▄▀█ █▀█ ▀█▀   ▄█
                                                                       █▀▀ █▀█ █▀▄ ░█░   ░█

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