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				I do not forgive.
				I do not forget.
				    Fear me.

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Reason for Dox: pedophilia, rape, extortion

Let the destruction begin..
 __   ___    _   _         _ 
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   \_/ |_\__|\__|_|_|_|_| |_| Loading data...

[-] First name: Michael
- Middle name: George
- Last name:Pearson
- Initials: M. G. P.
- Gender: Male
- Mother's Maiden name: Campbell
- Birthday: December, 10 1993 (Age: 27 years)
- Birthplace: Ocala, FL, USA
- Zodiacal sign: Sagittarius
- User name: pearsmich
- Password: tchk8qbr
- Password hash (MD5): 25aaff0ce026cedf39c7c4fafde5e4bd
- Password hash (SHA1): 7bc74c037a825711c038491b72bd325fe3986748
- E-Mail: pearsmich@safetymail.info
- Phone: 513-708-9631
- Address: 417 Dell Antico Ave, Oakley, CA 94561, USA
- Credit Card: 4784663199115030
- SSN: 264475520 - issued in Florida (FL)

[-] Passport    
- No.: 658578933
- issued: April/06/2019
- expires: April/05/2029

[-] Driver License
- ID: V1539956
- Issue Date: 02/13/2020
- Expiration Date: 12/10/2024


- Model: Mazda CX-7
- Car License Plate: APB N86 - issued in Florida (FL) in year 2013

[-] Physical Appearance
- Hair color: Blonde (BLN)
- Eyes color: Brown (BRO)
- Height: 181 cm / 5 ft 11 in
- Weight: 74 Kg / 163 pounds
- Blood Type: B+ (Can donate to: B+, AB+ ; Can receive from: 0-, 0+, B-, B+ )

[-] Personality
- Religion: Catholic
- Political side: Republican
- Favorite Color: Green
- Favorite Comfort Food: Pizza
- Favorite Season: Summer

[-] Tax Info
- US Federal Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN / Tax ID)
- Preparer Tax Identification Number: (PTIN) P69683543
- Interim PTIN: (temporary PTIN) P99995520
- Employer Identification Number: (EIN) 025650520
- Individual Taxpayer Identification Number: (ITIN) 911794524
- Adoption Taxpayer Identification Number: (ATIN) 872550304

[-] Fantasy features
- Alignment: Lawful Evil
- Charisma: 6
- Constitution: 6
- Dexterity: 13
- Intelligence: 11
- Strenght: 4
- Wisdom: 14

 __   ___    _   _         ___ 
 \ \ / (_)__| |_(_)_ __   |_  )
  \ V /| / _|  _| | '  \   / / 
   \_/ |_\__|\__|_|_|_|_| /___|  Loading data...

[-] First name: Misty
- Middle name: Pamela
- Last name: Burton
- Initials: M. P. B.
- Mother's Maiden name: Pope
- Gender: Female
- Birthday: June, 08 1992 (Age: 28 years)
- Birthplace: Winthrop Harbor, IL, USA
- Zodiacal sign: Gemini
- User name: bur.m.678
- Password: 328740ngdo
- Password hash (MD5): 0fd63c770700d4a1315af41bca960f0f
- Password hash (SHA1): d2f1c4ecbb20575616d65d250376360fd211c07a
- E-Mail: bur.m.678@bobmail.info
- Phone: 631-293-1840
- Address: 6 E Landmeier Rd, Elk Grove Village, IL 60007, USA
- Credit Card: 4047244832761408
- SSN: 331072326 - issued in Illinois (IL)

[-] Passport
- No.: 470173668
- issued: January/30/2016
- expires: January/29/2026

[-] Driver License
- ID: B635-5559-2763
- Issued in: ILLINOIS
- Issued on: 10/23/2018
- Expiration: 06/08/2023


[-] Car
- Model: Chevrolet Malibu
- Car License Plate: 309 9374 - issued in Illinois (IL) in year 2018

[-] Physical Appearance
- Hair color: Black (BLK)
- Eyes color: Brown (BRO)
- Height: 166 cm / 5 ft 5 in
- Weight: 60 Kg / 132 pounds
- Blood Type: 0+ (Can donate to: 0+, A+, B+, AB+ ; Can receive from: 0-, 0+ )

[-] Personality
- Religion: Protestant
- Political side: Independent
- Favorite Color: Blue
- Favorite Comfort Food: Taco
- Favorite Season: Summer

[-] Tax Info
- US Federal Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN / Tax ID)
- Preparer Tax Identification Number (PTIN)    P88666244
- Interim PTIN: (temporary PTIN) P99992326
- Employer Identification Number: (EIN) 936200010
- Individual Taxpayer Identification Number: (ITIN) 964787765
- Adoption Taxpayer Identification Number: (ATIN) 333713269

[-] Fantasy features
- Alignment: Chaotic Good
- Charisma: 4
- Constitution: 7
- Dexterity: 5
- Intelligence: 12
- Strenght: 18
- Wisdom: 11 

 __   ___    _   _         ____
 \ \ / (_)__| |_(_)_ __   |__ /
  \ V /| / _|  _| | '  \   |_ \
   \_/ |_\__|\__|_|_|_|_| |___/  Loading data...

[-] First name: Jon
- Middle name: Adrian
- Last name: Evans
- Initials: J. A. E.
- Gender: Male
- Mother's Maiden name: Fleming
- Birthday: November, 21 1973 (Age: 47 years)
- Birthplace: Miami Beach, FL, USA
- Zodiacal sign: Scorpio
- User name: e.jon.22
- Password: ar3ieqa79
- Password hash (MD5): d9e1371eb1820e64f461b99b225f8fd1
- Password hash (SHA1): 565101887b169fd5fe9b96383bcecc75d3c7811e
- E-Mail: e.jon.22@burgundy1.com
- Phone: 414-860-8310
- Address: 96 N. Farmersville Blvd., Farmersville, CA 93223, USA
- Credit Card: 5505379990115575
- SSN: 263675376 - issued in Florida (FL)

[-] Passport
- No.: 975577414
- issued: April/30/2019
- expires: April/29/2029

[-] Driver License
- ID: V7361068
- Issued in: CALIFORNIA
- Issued on: 06/25/2020
- Expiration: 11/21/2024


[-] Car
- Model: Mazda RX-8
- Car License Plate: ASP Y34 - issued in Florida (FL) in year 2013

[-] Physical Appearance
- Hair color: Brown (BRO)
- Eyes color: Brown (BRO)
- Height: 181 cm / 5 ft 11 in
- Weight: 82 Kg / 181 pounds
- Blood Type: 0- (Can donate to: 0-, 0+, A-, A+, B-, B+, AB-, AB+ ; Can receive from: 0- )

[-] Personality
- Religion: Protestant
- Political side: Independent
- Favorite Color: Green
- Favorite Comfort Food: Chocolate
- Favorite Season: Spring

[-] Tax Info
- US Federal Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN / Tax ID)
- Preparer Tax Identification Number: (PTIN)  P40512480
- Interim PTIN: (temporary PTIN) P99995376
- Employer Identification Number: (EIN) 926126467
- Individual Taxpayer Identification Number: (ITIN) 925738298
- Adoption Taxpayer Identification Number: (ATIN) 201804380

[-] Fantasy features
- Alignment: Lawful Good
- Charisma: 14
- Constitution: 6
- Dexterity: 11
- Intelligence: 9
- Strenght: 6
- Wisdom: 10

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                |  .-----------------.  |  |     +---------+      |
                |  | davidvlone      |  |  |     | -==----'|      |
                |  | LOADING...      |  |  |     |         |      |
                |  | PEDO  DOWNED!   |  |  |/----|`---=    |      |
                |  | PEDO  DOWNED!   |  |  |   ,/|==== ooo |      ;
                |  | PEDO  DOWNED!   |  |  |  // |(((( [33]|    ,"
                |  `-----------------'  |," .;'| |((((     |  ,"
                +-----------------------+  ;;   ||         |," 
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                 / ==ooooooooooooooo==.o.  ooo= //   ,`\--{)B     ,"
                /_==__==========__==_ooo__ooo=_/'   /___________,"
Credit: davidvlone

NOTE TO ANY FEDERAL ENTITIES OR SIMILAR: This dox was made in response to proved accusations of pedophilia from multiple minors. All info was legally grabbed.