_____                               __________                                    __                         ____________________________________________________________ ________  ________  ____  __
  /  _  \ _____  _______  ____   ____  \______   \ ____ ______ ______   ____ _______|  | __ ____ _______  ____  \______   \_   _____/__    ___/__    ___/_   _____/______   \\______ \ \_____  \ \   \/ /
 /  /_\  \\__  \ \_  __ \/ __ \ /    \  |     ___// __ \\____ \\____ \_/ __ \\_  __ \  |/ // __ \\_  __ \/    \   |   |  _/|    __)_  |    |    |    |   |    __)_ |       _/ |    |  \ /   |   \ \    / 
/    |    \/ __ \_|  | \/  \_\ )   |  \ |    |   \  ___/_  |_\ \  |_\ \  ___/_|  | \/    \(  \_\ )|  | \/   |  \  |   |   \|        \ |    |    |    |   |        \|    |   \ |    |   \    |    \/    \ 
\____|__  /____  /|__|   \____/|___|  / |____|    \___  /   ___/   ___/\___  /|__|  |__|_ \\____/ |__|  |___|  / /______  /_______  / |____|    |____|  /_______  /|____|_  //_______  /_______  /___/\ \
        \/     \/                   \/                \/|__|   |__|        \/            \/                  \/         \/        \/                            \/        \/         \/        \/      \/

Reason: I just felt like expanding /doxxedbyuntitled's dox because Untitled is a faggot larper who begs for dox methods and relies on Grabify and people with 0 opsec, and the funny part is he couldn't
even get a fucking birthmonth (or at least a birthyear). Please don't harass this person - The only reason this person is on the bin is because Untitled is a faildoxer and wannabe egotard, and
to prove that I could easily do better than him. I've even seen him begging for methods on his server, and his swatters begging for swats (ironic).

He also spelt this name wrong, which can be seen in his dox: https://doxbin.com/upload/Getdoxxedbyuntitled

Don't join his Discord server, either. He's tried IP logging his own members and he only knows methods that he dickrides 15 year olds for.

This is technically a faildox, since the dox listed above isn't even right. Aaron's snapchat is something else, and /ghostlics on Snapchat is likely the legitimate one.
His actual name is "Bandar Alkhayat", and he may live as far from the US as Saudi Arabia. Always nice to know Untitled's faildoxes can't even get good scrapes.

Going off of the fact he said 2023 is tomorrow on his tiktok when it was December 30th in his timezone, there's literally no possible way it's him.
3pm in Wisconsin is 12am in Saudi Arabia, so this would make sense if Bandar was actually Saudi Arabian.

To prove that he's a sped, every time I've bullied him and told his members he can't dox, I got banned.

Otherwise, enjoy the dox!

__________               __         ___         _____        
\______   \____    ________| ____  |   | ____ _/ ____\ ____  
  |   |  _/__  \  /  ___/  |/ ___\ |   |/    \\   __\ / __ \ 
  |   |   \/ __ \_\___ \|  |  \___ |   |   |  \|  |  (  \_\ )
 /______  /____  /____  \__|\___  /|___|___|  /|_ |   \____/ 
        \/     \/     \/        \/          \/   \/          

Name					: Aaron M Pepperkorn
DOB					: Oct 1998 (24 yo - somehow spedtitled couldn't even get this)
Phone Number(s)				: (803) 499-2190 (LANDLINE) - used his mother's phone in a databreach
Location				: Norwalk, Wisconsin
Home Address				: 502 Main St, Norwalk, WI - 54648
Previous Address			: 73 Jamestown St, Russell Springs, KY - 42642 (where his dad lives. the working IP would probably just be tied to his dad)
Email Address				: apepperkorna98@gmail.com (how tf did spedtitled miss this??), ********@***.** (unknown email tied to his other socials)
Passwords				: peppey1098, $2a$10$hljbdDH7xarVhK5IUxn.eeAsQMWxb6o4NTr7mF.4BPmPFVXV0PJ46 (hashed, use it if you can crack it!)
Aliases					: AaronPepperkorn, Apepperkorna98, Ghostlics/Ghostlic, RoyaltyGODS1, arrchasse1
Old Highschool				: Brookwood High School
IP Addresses				: (May 2019 - actually active LOL, but it's in kentucky) (Mar 2017 - dead, from AZ. may be a false flag)
ISP					: Duo County Telecom. Note that this may be his Kentucky home, or he may still live in Kentucky.

___________               __ __    ___         _____        
\_   _____/ _____ _____  |__|  |  |   | ____ _/ ____\ ____  
 |    __)_ /     \\__  \ |  |  |  |   |/    \\   __\ / __ \ 
 |        \  | |  \/ __ \_  |  |__|   |   |  \|  |  (  \_\ )
/_______  /__|_|  /____  /__|____/|___|___|  /|_ |   \____/ 
        \/      \/     \/                  \/   \/          

>>> [1a] Basic Info: apepperkorna98@gmail.com
[A] Name on Email: Aaron “RoyaltyGODS1” pepperkorn
[B] Breaches: BannerBit, Pluto TV, Quidd, Teespring, Twitter (2023), Wishbone, Zynga
[C] Signups: Everything on the breachlist + pornhub, spotify, duolingo and possibly his other socials
[D] Is this email active? Yes (you can deliver mail to it)

>>> [1b] Breach Info: apepperkorna98@gmail.com

Email    apepperkorna98@gmail.com
Username    AaronPepperkorn
Name    aaron pepperkorn
Followers    7
Created    Thu Jul 27 08:38:15 +0000 2017

Email    apepperkorna98@gmail.com
Hash    $2a$10$hljbdDH7xarVhK5IUxn.eeAsQMWxb6o4NTr7mF.4BPmPFVXV0PJ46 (hashed, couldn't get it cracked)

Email    apepperkorna98@gmail.com
Username    arrchasse1
Password        peppey1098
Uid    39786517
Country_code    US
Fbid    0
Auth_token    4c18a74f-6218-4ddc-8ec7-9eb3d5f64e2a
Create_time    2019-12-08T19:49:20.000Z
Twitter_id    0
Timezone    America/Chicago
Shared_for_date    0000-00-00
Stickers_left    5
Updated_at    2019-12-08T19:49:20.000Z

Email    apepperkorna98@gmail.com
Username    Apepperkorna98
Salt    f1c5917fc21ddd5844be4a12f34c8fa675b7d33a
Facebook    79752241

>>> [1c] Misc/Advanced Info: apepperkorna98@gmail.com
[A] Google ID: 102610965154621387804
[B] Google Maps Contributions: https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/102610965154621387804
[C] Google Calendar: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/embed?src=apepperkorna98@gmail.com

  _________              __        __          
 /   _____/ ____   ____ |__|____  |  |   ______
 \_____  \ / __ \_/ ___\|  |__  \ |  |  /  ___/
 /        \  \_\ )  \___|  |/ __ \_  |__\___ \ 
/_______  /\____/ \___  /__|____  /____/____  \
        \/            \/        \/          \/ 

>>> [1] Existing Social Medias
[A] https://www.facebook.com/aaron.pepperkorn
[B] https://twitter.com/AaronPepperkorn
[C] https://www.reddit.com/user/AaronPepperkorn
[D] https://www.instagram.com/aaron10981/
[E] https://aaronwashere.myspreadshop.com/
[F] https://www.tiktok.com/@aaronpepperkorn
[G] https://www.snapchat.com/add/apepper98

>>> [2] The REAL Ghostlics Social Medias:
[A] Discord ID: 218398174618976256 > Ghostlic#0001
[B] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-fL2xRzMMdRJ9KFMCLDIsw (dead) > https://www.youtube.com/c/Aaron%20Pepperkorn/about
[C] https://www.twitch.tv/ghostlics (dead)
[D] https://www.snapchat.com/add/Ghostlics (the real snapchat)
[E] https://www.tiktok.com/@ghostlics (the aliases listed on untitled's dox died 1-3 years ago, so this could be wrong!)
[F] https://www.instagram.com/ghostlics/ (possibly him since he has over 50 followers, but no content)
[G] https://twitter.com/5_hpzz
__________        __           __   __                     ___     __         __   
\______   \ ____ |  | _____  _/  |_|__|__  __ ____   ______   |   |__| ______/  |_ 
 |       _// __ \|  | \__  \ \   __\  |  \/ // __ \ /  ___/   |   |  |/  ___/   __\
 |    |   \  ___/_  |__/ __ \_|  | |  |\   /\  ___/_\___ \|   |___|  |\___ \ |  |  
 |____|_  /\___  /____/____  /|__| |__| \_/  \___  /____  \______ \__|____  \|__|  
        \/     \/          \/                    \/     \/       \/       \/       

Heather Pepperkorn
Joseph Pepperkorn
Cindi Fedro
Daniel Spooner
Danielle Fields
David Boger
Eric Fields
Kathryn Collins
Sandra Spooner
Sharron Boger
Ariana Sullivan
Carl Parker
Cathy Sullivan
Chanenna Hill
Charlene Nissen
Christy Parker
Colten Boger
Corina Schryver
Darlene Koellner
Debra Axlid
Debra Fields
Gaylon Simmons
Gregory Boger
Hazel Fedro
Jessica Schaffer
Jesus Salazar
John Oelke
Joshua Spooner
Karen Parker
Lawrence Boger
Leroy Fields
Lisa Rogers
Louis Boger
Louise Boger
Mary Montgomery
Mary Sullivan
Mike Boger
Nicholas Modrich
Paul Rogers
Reginald Fedro
Richard Collins
Sarah Oheron
Stefanie Salazar
Steven Parker
Taylor Parker
William Parker
   _____           __   /\                    ___         _____        
  /     \   ____ _/  |_|  |__   ____ _______ |   | ____ _/ ____\ ____  
 /  \ /  \ / __ \\   __\  |  \_/ __ \\_  __ \|   |/    \\   __\ / __ \ 
/    \    \  \_\ )|  | |      \  ___/_|  | \/|   |   |  \|  |  (  \_\ )
\____/\_  /\____/ |__| |___|  /\___  /|__|   |___|___|  /|_ |   \____/ 
        \/                  \/     \/                 \/   \/          

>>> [1] Basic Info
Name					: Heather S Pepperkorn (sometimes goes by the last name Spooner LOL)
DOB					: March 1978 (one website says 20th, one says 6th)
Phone Number(s)				: (608) 633-5678
Location				: Wilton, WI
Home Address				: 28180 Kipper Ave, Wilton, WI 54670
Previous Addresses			: There's like 10 going from NM to OK, OK to SC then to WI. If Untitled was a good doxer, he could find them!
Email Address				: hpepper96@yahoo.com, hspring@optonline.net, hspring@sc.rr.com, hpepperkorn@comcast.net, hspring@earthlink.net
Passwords				: aaron1998, :aaronp
Aliases					: "hpepper96" (not going to do a scrape for a fucking yahoo)
IP Addresses				: all dead. not putting in 6 dead IPs that are anywhere from ny to australia (seriously, i checked em)
Occupation				: Human Resources Advisor

>>> [2] Email Info (only checking one since the others are all useless since none of the others look like primaries)
[A] Breach Gold Mine:

Email	hpepper96@yahoo.com
Username	theHSpring
Name	Heather S Pepperkorn
Followers	2
Created	Fri May 31 18:13:30 +0000 2013

Email	hpepper96@yahoo.com
Name	Aaron Pepperkorn
Phone	6086335678
Id	6433099
Pms_id	1408102
Email_communication	false
Phone_communication	false
Sms_communication	false
Home_phone	6086335678
Birthday	1998-10-03 00:00:00
Address	502 Main St.
Modified_at	2020-11-30 17:00:18
Mmg_id	ef49d2fd-ed6a-47ce-81d6-1163f1a3e039
City	Norwalk
State	WI
Zip	54648
Created_at	2019-03-28 16:19:53
Status	Inactive
Business_id	564
Sex	(this part was blank, but she's a female)

Email	hpepper96@yahoo.com
Name	Heather Pepperkorn
Id	27355653
Userid	100000230680907
Idk	2
Regdate	2009-11-27
Birthdate	1978-03-20
Gender	f
Country	US
Fname	Heather
Lname	Pepperkorn

Email	hpepper96@yahoo.com
Username	hfields
Hash	50c4a6f2cb60d3f641bb638ff014426fa7afcbb4
Id	10797576
Uid	7113ea33dfbeddbed872fcff5bada9d1
Avatar	426
Birthday	0000-00-00
Updated_on	1406337125
PasswordReset	1406422555
Level	0
Newsletter	0
Chat	0
Active	1
Points_lastmonth	1
Points_current	0
Points	0
Comment_notify	80
Validation	N
Merit_notify	Y
Country_id	Y
Sync	0
Xr_id	0
Xr_uid	0
Role	0
Profile_customizations	guest

Email	hpepper96@yahoo.com
Username	hpepper96
Password     :aaronp

Email	hpepper96@yahoo.com
Username	HPepper96
Password	aaron1998
Salt	78bc9feabb871e5d034adec23df42b6d73243bef
Facebook	38971104
Created	2011-06-30 22:07:21

Email	hpepper96@yahoo.com
Username	da307da1506663e57b89fe809
Name	hpepper96@yahoo.com
Uid	34451674
Created	2013-05-06 16:27:26
Modified	2013-05-06 16:27:26
Dob	0000-00-00
Regdate	0000-00-00 00:00:00

Email	hpepper96@yahoo.com
Password	cc813054f3dc9b9307217e2aa2169ef4
Name	Heather Pepperkorn
Password_last_changed	0000-00-00
Date	2013-05-03
Id	4672730
Addr1	502 Main St
City	Norwalk
State	WI
Zip	54648

[B] Signups: all the breach shit above + spotify.com

>>> [3] Social Medias
[A] https://twitter.com/theHSpring
[B] https://www.pinterest.com/hpepper96/ 
[C] https://www.facebook.com/hpepperkorn
[D] https://www.linkedin.com/in/heather-spooner-38250954/
___________        __   /\                    ___         _____        
\_   _____/____  _/  |_|  |__   ____ _______ |   | ____ _/ ____\ ____  
  |  ___) \__  \ \   __\  |  \_/ __ \\_  __ \|   |/    \\   __\ / __ \ 
  |  \__   / __ \_|  | |      \  ___/_|  | \/|   |   |  \|  |  (  \_\ )
 /___  /  (____  /|__| |___|  /\___  /|__|   |___|___|  /|_ |   \____/ 
     \/        \/           \/     \/                 \/   \/          

>>> [1] Basic Info
Name					: Joseph Allen Pepperkorn
DOB					: January 9, 1973
Phone Number(s)				: (803) 499-2190 (landline) (803) 924-0683 (wireless) : if none of those work, (803) 983-5829
Location				: Russell Springs, KY
Home Address				: 73 Jamestown St, Russell Springs, KY, 42642-4461
Previous Addresses			: Same situation as his wife, there's like 20 fucking addresses which you can easily find
Passwords				: N/A
Aliases					: cybermaster, cybermaster2665, jpepperkorn, joepkorn, j.pepperkorn
IP Addresses				: all dead. not putting in 6 dead IPs that are anywhere from ny to australia (seriously, i checked em)
Occupation				: Previously United States Air Force, now it's "55 FS" (possibly 55th Fighter Squadron)
Old Highschool				: Russell County High School

>>> [2] HIS 22 FUCKING EMAILS??? (according to a records site)
kathleenmaciel@hotmail.com (probably not his)
kay@kaymoorerealty.com (probably not his either)
(i'm not gonna bother scraping these since they all probably were used once and then never touched again)

>>> [3] Social Medias
[A] https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1207655633
[B] https://myspace.com/joepk001 (possibly)
[C] https://www.linkedin.com/in/joseph-pepperkorn-a451a9a4/

  ______  __                   __                         ______    __                __                                               __              
 /      \|  \                 |  \                       /      \  |  \              |  \                                             |  \             
|  ▓▓▓▓▓▓\ ▓▓ ______   _______ \▓▓_______   ______      |  ▓▓▓▓▓▓\_| ▓▓_    ______  _| ▓▓_    ______  ______ ____   ______  _______  _| ▓▓_    _______ 
| ▓▓   \▓▓ ▓▓/      \ /       \  \       \ /      \     | ▓▓___\▓▓   ▓▓ \  |      \|   ▓▓ \  /      \|      \    \ /      \|       \|   ▓▓ \  /       \
| ▓▓     | ▓▓  ▓▓▓▓▓▓\  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ ▓▓ ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓\  ▓▓▓▓▓▓\     \▓▓    \ \▓▓▓▓▓▓   \▓▓▓▓▓▓\\▓▓▓▓▓▓ |  ▓▓▓▓▓▓\ ▓▓▓▓▓▓\▓▓▓▓\  ▓▓▓▓▓▓\ ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓\\▓▓▓▓▓▓ |  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓
| ▓▓   __| ▓▓ ▓▓  | ▓▓\▓▓    \| ▓▓ ▓▓  | ▓▓ ▓▓  | ▓▓     _\▓▓▓▓▓▓\ | ▓▓ __ /      ▓▓ | ▓▓ __| ▓▓    ▓▓ ▓▓ | ▓▓ | ▓▓ ▓▓    ▓▓ ▓▓  | ▓▓ | ▓▓ __ \▓▓    \ 
| ▓▓__/  \ ▓▓ ▓▓__/ ▓▓_\▓▓▓▓▓▓\ ▓▓ ▓▓  | ▓▓ ▓▓__| ▓▓    |  \__| ▓▓ | ▓▓|  \  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ | ▓▓|  \ ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ ▓▓ | ▓▓ | ▓▓ ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ ▓▓  | ▓▓ | ▓▓|  \_\▓▓▓▓▓▓\
 \▓▓    ▓▓ ▓▓\▓▓    ▓▓       ▓▓ ▓▓ ▓▓  | ▓▓\▓▓    ▓▓     \▓▓    ▓▓  \▓▓  ▓▓\▓▓    ▓▓  \▓▓  ▓▓\▓▓     \ ▓▓ | ▓▓ | ▓▓\▓▓     \ ▓▓  | ▓▓  \▓▓  ▓▓       ▓▓
  \▓▓▓▓▓▓ \▓▓ \▓▓▓▓▓▓ \▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ \▓▓\▓▓   \▓▓_\▓▓▓▓▓▓▓      \▓▓▓▓▓▓    \▓▓▓▓  \▓▓▓▓▓▓▓   \▓▓▓▓  \▓▓▓▓▓▓▓\▓▓  \▓▓  \▓▓ \▓▓▓▓▓▓▓\▓▓   \▓▓   \▓▓▓▓ \▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ 
                                          |  \__| ▓▓                                                                                                   
                                           \▓▓    ▓▓                                                                                                   

Untitled doesn't know how to dox for shit. If you can't even get the most basic of relatives, you shouldn't be egoing yourself as a doxer.

I'm not a god, or some master doxer (i'm a noob). I just think https://doxbin.com/user/DoxxedbyUntitled is one of the biggest retards. If you dox him, please, put him in the HOA.