LOL, este tipo es súper retrasado, es un xenófobo peruano que afirma que la comida peruana es mejor que la mexicana, encima utilizando argumentos de mierda y sin sentido alguno. No incluiré datos detallados de sus familiares porque es una perdida de tiempo. LOL, this guy is retarded, he's a Peruvian xenophobe who claims that Peruvian food is better than Mexican food, using bullshit and nonsensical arguments. I will not include detailed information about your relatives because it is a waste of time. NAME: PAUL MIKI MENA VALENCIA AGE: 31 DOB: 1992-07-05 HEIGHT: 5'5 (1.65 MT) CIVIL STATUS: UNMARRIED EDUCATION: HIGH SCHOOL COMPLETED ID NUMBER: 70927015 -5 ID INSCRIPTION: 2007-09-08 ID ISSUE: 2022-08-25 ID EXPIRATION: 2025-09-28 RUC: 10709270155 E-MAILS: PAULMIKI.MENAVALENCIA@HOTMAIL.COM PHONES: 976735986 871002693 871041633 ADRESS: PROLONGACION GAMARRA 465 DPTO. 306 INT.7 - LA VICTORIA - LIMA - LIMA - PERÚ - ZIP 15033 ID PIC: SIG: FINGERPRINT: CREDIT REPORT: MOM: MARIA ESFILIA VALENCIA FUENTES DAD: JORGE MENA OBREGON remember mexico >> peru