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Hello!, Aimbot here. A Few Days Ago i Got A Dm From My Buddy a9r. He Messaged Me Saying
Somone Threatened To Dox Him. Soo, I Had To Do Something Abou It. So I Message This Skid
Asking About What Hes Doing And He Just Acted All Confident Towards Me So i Hopped On A-
Alt Discord Account And This Retard Ran My Fucking Rat, So I Instantly Started To Search-
His System For Credit Cards, Information, Family Info, Logins, Adresses Ect.. And I Found-
A Lot Off Stuff. Then I Recorded Ratting This Kid and He Was Crying It Was so Funny.. :sob
Anyway... Lets Get Into This Dox Shall we?


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Victim: Jimmy Carrado
Victim: David Robert Carrado
Victim: Candace Gail Carrado
Victim: Charlcy M Wess


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Full Legal Name: Jimmy Robert Carrado

Adress: 10 Town Plaza, #234, Durango, CO 81301

Age: 18

Phone Numbers: To Poor For A Phone 

Status: Adopted 

Pet: Dog, Name, Frito. 

Deceesed Pets: Dog, Name, kalobrown.

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Father: David Robert Carrado

║                                                    ║
║                                                    ║
║                 MOTHER                             ║
║                                                    ║
║         Name: Candace Gail Carrado                 ║
║         Birthdate: 05/05/1976                      ║
║        Company Age: 27 Years, 10 Months            ║ 
║        Number: (970) 880-2621                      ║
║                                                    ║


║                                                    ║
║                                                    ║
║                 Father                             ║
║                                                    ║
║         Name: David Robert Carrado                 ║
║         Birthdate: 03/02/1976                      ║
║         Job:  Jawn Brothers LLC, Founder           ║
║        Company Age: 	4 Years, 2 Months            ║
║          Number: (610) 384-3697                    ║
║            Landline: (970) 879-7636                ║
║                                                    ║


╔═╗┬─┐┌─┐┬  ┬┬┌─┐┬ ┬┌─┐  ╦═╗┌─┐┌─┐┬┌┬┐┌─┐┌┐┌┌─┐┬ ┬
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96 Walker Ln
Durango, CO 80303

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740 Bardin Dr, Durango, CO 81303


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                  ██                    ██                                        ██                            ██                                              
                  ░░                    ░░                                        ██                            ██                                              
                  ▓▓▓▓                  ▓▓██      ▓▓██                  ▓▓██    ▓▓██                          ▓▓██    ░░░░              ░░░░                    
                  ░░░░                  ░░░░      ░░░░                  ░░░░    ░░░░                          ░░░░    ░░░░              ░░                      

David R Carrado
Patricia M Carrado
Robert James Carrado
Stephen J Carrado
Elizabeth A Prott


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      ***                     *****     ***         ***                       
Aimbot - Making This Whole Dox, Using Osint, Csint, Databreaches, Gov Files, And TLO For Finding Info, And Hand Typing This Whole Dox <33

a9r - Telling Me About This Skid And Getting Him To Run My Rat 

PonGong - Being A Retard

I Would Really Appriciate If You Joined My Discord: https://discord.gg/r9DpYmPags



