____ ____ ____ ____ ______ ____ ____ __ __ _ __ ______ ____ ______ ______ _ __ / __ \ / _// __ \ / __ \ / ____// __ \ / __ )\ \/ / | | / // ____// __ \/_ __// ____/| |/ / / /_/ / / / / /_/ // /_/ // __/ / / / / / __ | \ / | | / // __/ / /_/ / / / / __/ | / / _, _/_/ / / ____// ____// /___ / /_/ / / /_/ / / / | |/ // /___ / _, _/ / / / /___ / | /_/ |_|/___//_/ /_/ /_____//_____/ /_____/ /_/ |___//_____//_/ |_| /_/ /_____/ /_/|_| Asif Arbel (R3LAX) & Ori Manzur (Manzur) full dox [ez'd By Vertex Group] _ _ __ ___ __ ___ _| || |_ / / / _ \ / / / _ \ |_ __ _| / /_| (_) | / /_| (_) | _| || |_ | '_ \\__, || '_ \\__, | |_ __ _|| (_) | / / | (_) | / / |_||_| \___/ /_/ \___/ /_/ Asif Arbel (R3LAX) Information: ------------------------------------- Full Name: Asif Yosef Arbel Mother Name: Shira Arbel Father Name: Ori Arbel Age: 15.8 Full Address: Israel, Netanya, Harbel, Apartment 8 No. 2 Phone Number: 0523871378 Picture: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/818072212480852013/818075949950042163/121389665_1084073678677041_8042602875734481812_n.png Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/asif.arbel/ ALIAS(ES): R3LAX#9352 pakasif asif.arbel Note: Asif, Suck my dick, fucking cunt. <3 Ori Manzur (Manzur) Information: ------------------------------------- Full Name: Ori Manzur Age: 15 City: Israel, Netanya Phone Number: 0556670989 Picture: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/818072212480852013/818075732596621372/148646644_517985475834767_5709415964450416209_n.png TAKE SOME SHITTY PIC OF THIS NIGGER: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/735909082925629571/750690683605614703/unknown.png?width=814&height=582 ALIAS(ES): Manzur#5555 orimanzur Note: DON'T MESS WITH VERTEX GROUP, DUMBO. #6969.