__                             ___            _aaaa
               d8888aa,_                    a8888888a   __a88888888b
              d8P   `Y88ba.                a8P'~~~~Y88a888P""~~~~Y88b
             d8P      ~"Y88a____aaaaa_____a8P        888          Y88
            d8P          ~Y88"8~~~~~~~88888P          88g          88
           d8P                           88      ____ _88y__       88b       ============================
           88                           a88    _a88~8888"8M88a_____888      |         CONTENTS           |
           88                           88P    88  a8"'     `888888888b_            info on person
          a8P                           88     88 a88         88b     Y8,           Family members
           8b                           88      8888P         388      88b          Social Media(s)
          a88a                          Y8b       88L         8888.    88P             Ending
         a8P                             Y8_     _888       _a8P 88   a88
        _8P                               ~Y88a888~888g_   a888yg8'  a88'
        88                                   ~~~~    ~""8888        a88P       MADE BY JACOB 
       d8'                                                Y8,      888L        shoutouts// Ly gang , $fye , DE , 6qr, TRAGIC , and LOST
       8E                                                  88a___a8"888
      d8P                                                   ~Y888"   88L       Reasoning: Boyfriend is a overall cunt, dox'd innocent people 
      88                                                      ~~      88       Has multiple CP clones in his Little discord server, the list
      88                                                              88       can go on with how shitty this person is but heres his close
      88                                                              88b      loved one who supports on his acts. Also this woman is a 
  ____88a_.      a8a                                                __881      pedophile and has multiple claims and victims.
88""P~888        888b                                 __          8888888888
      888        888P                                d88b             88
     _888ba       ~            aaaa.                 8888            d8P
 a888~"Y88                    888888                 "8P          8aa888_
        Y8b                   Y888P"                                88""888a
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    __a8"888_                                                  a_ a88
   88"'    "88g                                                 "888g_
   ~         `88a_                                            _a88'"Y88gg,
                "888aa_.                                   _a88"'      ~88
                   ~~""8888aaa______                ____a888P'
Original Details 
Full Name: Lorraine Wesley
Known Nicknames: Rainey/Rain
Phone Number: (267) 339-1936
Resident Address: 2122 S Gould St Philadelphia Pennsylvania 19142
Email Address: Captaindj20@gmail.com
Phone Carrier: Atx Telecommunications Services, Ltd
Associated Family Members
Full Name: Jamal Wesley
Resident Address: 4760 Rockwell Ln Ararat North Carolina 27007
Phone Number(s): 336-924-9516 / 336-692-4951

Full Name: Mally Wesley 
Resident Address: 2122 S Gould St Philadelphia Pennsylvania 19142
Social Media(s)

tiktok: raineyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
snapchat: raineyluvsmikey
instagram: raineyspam / raineyvz
Roblox: R4INEY
Associated Usernames:
PrettyPugsarenice, okpugs, HeavenlnHiding, aintIove,
 tooterthoot, ohnorain, strangerrs, prbIm, scaberta,
 prbIm, r4iney, sisterrainey, r4iney, rainnvibes, r4iney, oeivc, zevoted, zdevilish,
 rainvz, chrisownsme, holasoyrainie, scaberta, rainchristommy, r4iney, ayylancowboy,
 r4iney, alanmybestie, GUCClCOFFlN, appoIsoouc, apooiIsoouc, scaberta, M16Rain, r4iney,
 archvsa, r4iney, rainvz, spookyrainey, choogismommy, choogismami, soapyrainey, r4iney, 
lorrialan, RainSAKBA, R4INEY, RainJerseyy, R4INEY, RainJerseyy, R4INEY, RainJerseyy, R4INEY


|      88        88                                                   |
|      88        88    hi there viewers,                              |
|      88ba,___,d8P                                                   |
|       "888888888      this person deserved it                       |
|          ~~~~~~                                                     |
|                                           |
|                                               |\      _,,,--,,_  ,) |
| Sincerely, Jacob.             /,`.-'`'   -,  ;-;;'  |
|_____________________________________________ |,4-  ) )-,_ ) /\______|
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