- I already left pasting for the most part starting a couple months ago, but this is for anyone who can't bother reading the profile comments/etc.

Doxing really just isn't as interesting of a hobby as it was. It's not a skill anymore, rather a simple process - get a target, scrape the targets name, take your findings back and put it back into searchers.

It's infrequent that you come across people that require SE or more difficult methods of data searching - and even then, most of those difficult methods can be done through paying someone (so it isn't really special).

It gets old - and it's surprising people have managed to stay, as the information deemed pin worthy - like SSNs and DLNs - can be bought from your average Joe with a rank for 20 bucks.

I'll likely take requests and read comments now and then, do some targeting against weirdos like Akuma - but I don't plan to upload any more pastes to this account. (I'll take this down if I do though lmao)

I've taken down or unlisted my pastes that were one of the following:

A) Boring or doesn't have anything in the 90th percentile
B) No longer care about the target
C) Regret out of doxing people who really didn't deserve the punishment

And to all you vtweeter cucks, no, Akuma isn't really redeeming herself. They're still refusing to admit or cover any of the allegations, simply sweeping them under the rug with tweets that dodge or invalidate any accountability that is significant.
- Check her Twitter, refused to address anything posted (just claimed to contact authorities on me for the 20th time).
- https://doxbin.com/upload/AkumaMikoVTAKACassidyAnneFelerskiTLOed

TheLastDistress isn't a saint either. He was around 23, dating a girl fresh out of highschool (Ryoji, 18) and spending his days obsessively texting her to where it was creepy and obsessive. He tried to act like the victim in these DMs due to Ryoji, at the time, threatening to commit suicide - though it does not justify how Matt responded to this.
- https://files.catbox.moe/82463b.mp4
- https://files.catbox.moe/68055j.mp4
- https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1SE91aLicHZ6-9zwfPorcBmQyE4TyI-5_

And of course, Akuma still has her fanbase supporting this, so I don't plan to take down any of their information either.

I wish well to the people grinding this site and wish that they can move on from weekly to daily pasting like I did.

Yours truly,

            ____  __ ________       _____________      __   _____
           / __ \/ //_/ ___/ |     / /_  __/__  /     / /  |__  /
 ______   / / / / ,<  \__ \| | /| / / / /    / /     / /    /_ < 
/_____/  / /_/ / /| |___/ /| |/ |/ / / /    / /__    \ \  ___/ / 
         \____/_/ |_/____/ |__/|__/ /_/    /____/     \_\/____/ 

Shoutout to Godhold, Tomboyass, Reiko, Operator for losing his PGP key at a new record high amount of times and everyone who went against AkumaMikoVT or the KNR group with me.