Full name: Uskova Valeria Olegovna 
Vkontakte: https://m.vk.com/id740835778
Telegram: @vanyaloh1/2037318937 
Birth certificate Document number: 
Document series: II-AN 
Date of issue: 09/10/2009
Region of residence: Rostov region 
Date of birth: 01/15/2009
Number: +79896292810
Mail: : yltra.anhan2009@yandex.ru 
SNILS: 191-929-582-78

Region of residence: Rostov region 
Full name: Uskova Sofia Mikhailovna 
Date of Birth: 09/12/1986
Number: +79185225610 
SNILS: 093819290475  
INN: 611072071918 
Type: 12-digit TIN individual. 
faces Federal 
Tax Service division code: 6275
Inspectorate of the Federal Tax 
Service for the Tsimlyansky 
district of the Rostov region 
Taxpayer number: 885464
Verification code: 92

Full name: Uskov Oleg Aleksadrov
Date of Birth: 09/12/1970
Phone: 79376529326
Region of residence: Rostov region