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Reason: catfishes, claims O block ???? and an overrall ewhore
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Full Legal Name ; Scarlett Kimia Graham
Race            ; black
Nicknames/Alias ; Scar
Date Of Birth   ; April 3rd

Country         ; United States
Address         ; 4 Salonica Road, Toronto, North York, Ontario, Canada
Postal Code     ; M3C 2L6
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Discord ; scarlett'#6666
Roblox  ; scarsdejavu
Tiktok  ; 777scar
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[Head Office & Admissions]
SchoolName ; Blyth Academy Downsview Park 
Location   ; 2660 Yonge St, Toronto, ON M4P 2J5
City       ; Toronto
ZIP        ; ON M4P

website ; www.blytheducation.com
