=========[Mini-Dox On Acid/Sevval]========= (Updated) Exode x 444 Runs You Next Time Dont Act Like This (Name:) Sevval (Birthday:) August 8 (Age:) 17 (Snapchat:) seyma.bx (Discord:) acid#1000 (Location:) London, Uk Living in the south area (Grade:) Starting Year 12 This Dirty E Slut Always Wants Attention And Hooks Up With Other Boys Has Been Doxxed Countless Times LMFAO One Of The Most Attention Seeking Sluts Ive Ever Met Scared Of Deceased And His Partners Used To Be A Football Player Nudes Got Leaked E-Whore LMFAO Dad is always drunk and has a depressed family Lonely Little Slut Has No Friends LMFAO Got Easily Hooked By 2 Of My Friends Which I Will Not Mention For Reasons (IRLS:) (Her Cousin:) https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/869932771311775765/871828974085505074/image0-5.jpg (Sevval:) https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/869932771311775765/871828425294381147/video1.mp4 https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/869932771311775765/871828425646673940/video0-2.mov She Likes Nut Videos Boys Hook Her Up Free E-Whore This was just a simple warning.. Exode x 444 Runs You