* - Reason why i doxxed him/her           *
* - Hes a Pedophile.			  *
* /$$$$$$$$                  /$$ /$$  /$$$$$$  /$$$$$$$$  /$$$$$$   *
*|__  $$__/                 | $$| $$ /$$__  $$| $$_____/ /$$__  $$  *
*   | $$  /$$$$$$   /$$$$$$ | $$| $$| $$  \__/| $$      | $$  \__/  *
*   | $$ /$$__  $$ /$$__  $$| $$| $$|  $$$$$$ | $$$$$   | $$        *
*   | $$| $$  \__/| $$  \ $$| $$| $$ \____  $$| $$__/   | $$        *
*   | $$| $$      | $$  | $$| $$| $$ /$$  \ $$| $$      | $$    $$  *
*   | $$| $$      |  $$$$$$/| $$| $$|  $$$$$$/| $$$$$$$$|  $$$$$$/  *
*   |__/|__/       \______/ |__/|__/ \______/ |________/ \______/   *
*                            //Laughing At your OPSEC since 2020!   *
* - Name         : Cody elneon                                                    *
* - Age          : 18                                                             *
* - Home Address : 22 Owens Croft Birmingham B38 9NN, UK                          *
* - Gender       : Male                                                           *
* - D.O.B        : ?                                                              *
* - Nationality  : Bri'ish.                                                       *
* - Face Reveal  : ?                                                              *
* - Race         : ?      							  *
* - Phone Number : +447775437005                                                  *
*        - IPs -         *
*     *
*   - Social Medias -    *
* - 716059244906020947   *
* - Sparrow#4320         *
*       - Aliases -        *
* - Wolfy Plays            *
* - LunaPlays              *
* - Sparrow (Discord ALIAS)*
*       - Emails -           *
* - codyelneon@gmail.com     *
*    - Registered Sites -    *
* - Trello                   *
* - Spotify                  *
* - Google (ofc)             *
* - Discord                  *
* - Twitter                  *
* - Amazon                   *
*      - Family Info -       *
* - Brother : Ian Jeans      *
* - Mother  : ?              *
*                      - Dad Info -                 *
* - Name   : Simon Bliss                            *
* - Address: 30 The Hurstway, Birmingham B23 5XH, UK*
*                     - Dad Socials -                         *
* Insta   : https://instagram.com/si091972?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=*
* FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/simonm.g.athegovbliss    *
*                       - Credits -                           *
* - Flamez/PerlGod                                            *
* - TrollSEC/Reality                                          *
*                       - The End -                           *
*               Get downed Pedo. ~TrollSEC/Reality            *