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Reason: attempted to leak a girl for 0 reason and just and overall terrible nasty piece of shit bitch
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Full Legal Name ; Kalynn Nicole Brehaney
Age             ; 16 (August 15th 2006)
Race            ; White
Number          ; +1 (913) 609-6442
Face            ; https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1113524234694688829/1118875374739267635/0BtmAo4.png

Country         ; United States
Address         ; 1411 Barben Rd, Kansas City, KS 66103, USA
Postal Code     ; KS 66103

Extra    :
dads no. ; +1 (913) 499-7318
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SchoolName ; J.C. Harmon High School
Location   ; 2400 Steele Rd, Kansas City, KS 66106, United States
City       ; Kansas City
ZIP        ; KS 66106

Website    ; https://harmon.kckschools.org/
