│ THIS WAS MADE BY DEA_GOV                                                                                                                                │
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│ [ REASON FOR DOX ]                                                                                                                                      │
│ 58 year old Ryan Wesley Ruth tried to assassinate Donald Trump after failing he tried to flee, authorities were quick to intercept him on the highway.  │
│ Name:.............. Ryan Wesley Routh                                                       │
│ Also Known As:..... Ryan Wesley Roth, Ryan Wesley Ruth                                      │
│ Age................ 58                                                                      │
│ DOB................ 02/18/1966                                                              │
│ Race............... White                                                                   │
│ Phone Number....... (336) 852-5651                                                          │
│ Address............ 51-344 Kamehameha Hwy, Kaaawa, HI, 96730                                │
│ Education.......... https://www.ncat.edu/                                                   │
│ Selfie:............ https://files.offshore.cat/FYpKnCFb.png                                 │
│ Criminal records... https://files.offshore.cat/XyjcMDmj.pdf                                 │
│  » Emails+Databreaches                                                                      │
│    └─────────────────────                                                                   │
│                                                                                             │
│  └──│» yoda.teaches@yahoo.com                                                               │
│  └──│» rrouth@cheshirecenter.net                                                            │
│  └──│» rrouth@cheshirecenter.net                                                            │
│  └──│» ryanrouth@yahoo.com                                                                  │
│         │                                                                                   │
│         │                                                                                   │
│         │                                                                                   │
│         │                                                                                   │
│         └──┐»ANTIPUBLIC_COMBOLIST                                                           │
│            │        │                                                                       │
│            │        ├──│»Email: ryanrouth@yahoo.com                                         │
│            │        ├──│»Password: 2bunited                                                 │
│            │                                                                                │
│            │                                                                                │
│            ├──│»BREACHCOMP_COMBOLIST                                                        │
│            │      │                                                                         │
│            │      ├──│»Email: ryanrouth@yahoo.com                                           │
│            │      ├──│»Password: 2bunited                                                   │
│            │                                                                                │
│            │                                                                                │
│            ├──│»MYKUKUN_COM                                                                 │
│            │       │                                                                        │
│            │       ├──│»Email: ryanrouth@yahoo.com                                          │
│            │       ├──│»Name: Ryan Routh                                                    │
│            │                                                                                │
│            ├──│»POSHMARK_COM                                                                │
│            │        │                                                                       │
│            │        ├──│»Username: fdsajk12                                                 │
│            │        ├──│»Email: ryanrouth@yahoo.com                                         │
│            │        ├──│»Hash:$2a$10$IxGrEODjGnSw.tMnTnVMvOIfN26jAlG3N1O.vmUSD5uATiGnHp1Ty  │
│            │                                                                                │
│            ├──│»MYSPACE_COM                                                                 │
│            │       │                                                                        │
│            │       ├──│»Username: 366121527                                                 │
│            │       ├──│»Email: ryanrouth@yahoo.com                                          │
│            │       ├──│»Hashed Password: 2bunited                                           │
│            │                                                                                │
│            │                                                                                │
│            └──│» SHARETHIS_COM                                                              │
│                    │                                                                        │
│                    ├──│»Username: 17e05dbc888bed6fe2a395aa5                                 │
│                    ├──│»Email: ryanrouth@yahoo.com                                          │
│                    ├──│»Created: 2012-12-24 22:02:13                                        │
│ [ MEMES ]                                                                                   │
│ https://files.offshore.cat/3cYpyLwb.png                                                     │