ViLE▓░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█[               KCALS DOXED             ]█░░▓
  .     .              .             .        .                 .               .          .   .       .       .             .          .      .
          .  .      +     .      .          .      . 	.	.	.	  .   ,;     .   .      .   .     .  .   +     .             .   
     . .      .     #       .           .             .         t               i       f#i   .  .       .      .      .     #       .         .       
         .         ###            .      .     .        .   .   Ej   .    .    LE     .E#t          .      .      .         ###            .        
 .     .   "#:. .:##"##:. .:#"  .      .            t      .DD .E#,           L#E    i#W, .    .  .    .        .   "#:. .:##"##:. .:#"  .    .     
    .      . "####"###"####"  .                     EK:   ,WK.  E#t.  .   .  G#W.   L#D.                .    .      . "####"###"####"  .                
       "#:.    .:#"###"#:.    .:#"  .      .    .   E#t  i#D  . E#t     .   D#K.  :K#Wfff;  .             .     "#:.    .:#"###"#:.    .:#"  .    
  .       "#########"#########"        .            E#t j#f     E#t  .     E#K.   i##WLLLLt      .      .  .       "#########"#########"        .       
       "#:.  "####"###"####"  .:#"   .       .   .  E#tL#i  .   E#t      .E#E.     .E#L      .     .    .       "#:.  "####"###"####"  .:#"   .  
     .  "#######""##"##""#######"             .     E#WW,       E#t  .  .K#E    .     f#E:          .         .  "#######""##"##""#######"              
.         ."##"#####"#####"##"           .   .      E#K:  .     E#t    .K#D        .  ,WW;  .    .                 ."##"#####"#####"##"              
  "#:. ...  .:##"###"###"##:.  ... .:#"     .   .   ED.     .   E#t   .W#G  .          .D#;     .   .  .   "#:. ...  .:##"###"###"##:.  ... .:#"   
.     "#######"##"#####"##"#######"      .          t   .       E#t  :W##########Wt  .   tt          .   .     "#######"##"#####"##"#######"        
   .     "#####""#######""#####"    .      .      .     .       ,;.  :,,,,,,,,,,,,,.       .      .    .    .     "#####""#######""#####"    .     
      .     "      000      "    .     .       .       Federal <> Tyrone <-> Yo <> Lilith  .   .      .          .     "    000      "    .     .   
.          .   .   000     .        .     . .      .     https://vile.sh <-> https://ft.fail  .   .    .     .        .   . 000     .        .  
.. ..  .....  ....O000O...... ...... ........ ... ... ........  .. .  .......... . ........ .. ..... ..........  ..........O000O....... ........

Greetings Hacker!

	Let us introduce you to Kcals aka Warp, Purpulse, Paynah, RussianKaz, & Corban.. This amazing group of some very e-sex hungry 
  individuals had a little bit of a run in with the wrong people, to say the least. Each of our good friends from Kcals gets their own introduction 
  on their special little home in this paste, but as a whole they're very similar. Kcals is a Minecraft Bedwars community, that is much different
  from the average Minecraft community. Kcals thinks it's fun to participate in pedophilia, extortion of minors and much, much more. 
  They roleplay being scary and harmful, to get egirls to e-sleep with them. 90% of those participating in these activites, are over the age of 18, 
  doing such acts with minors, Mournhill fan club type beat.
  Kcals started off from being a sniping group on Hypixel Bedwars, however this has now changed. This group's activities span outside of the Hypixel
  community. Their actions include doxing, harassing young girls, pedophilia, swatting and extortion. All this just for attention.
  As mentioned, this group participates a lot in pedophilia. Most of Kcals is above the age of 18, and most of their victims are 12-15. Absolutely
  disgusting group. Everyone who supports, or is a member of Kcals are some blindsided retards. We are talking about a group full of mentally
  disabled kids and adults, with poor mental healths. Kcals has a egotistical behaviour, and each time they get themselves in trouble, they
  will let it out on someone else, including poor e-girls.
  Now that we have given a brief outline of Kcals, and what they have done, let's get to the information and introductions for each member.
  UPDATE: We decided to remove three from our paste, and switch one out with RussianKaz. We came in conclusion that these three had no part
  in Kcals` actions, and that the individual with the name: RussianKaz, had done worse stuff. This means that there will only be 5 members posted,
  instead of 8.
                                                    ⛤ Josh (Leader of Kcals) being left out.
                                                    ⛤ Broaded (Member of Kcals) being left out.
                                                    ⛤ Dalek (Founder of Kcals) being left out.
                                                    ⛤ discord.gg/kcals (Go have fun in their server!)
   ⛤ Need a dox just like this made? Join Ft Services: https://discord.gg/nle
   ⛤ NB! If you want someone from Kcals to be added. JOIN with reason and proof ^^^^
   ⛤ Written by Tyrone <3
  					       -= ThE AlMiGhTY MeMe CoLLeCTIoN =-

                                        https://youtu.be/Vdmn8XmJSOE - Paste intro, watch before going further.
                                        https://youtu.be/eGRRwOFGaPc - Expose vid by Federal
                                        https://z.zz.fo/14kaK.png - Horny Warp. >.< (Discord)
                                        https://z.zz.fo/avCkQ.png - Horny Warp v2. (Discord)
                                        https://z.zz.fo/CxOcV.png - Weird Paynah. (Discord)
                                        https://z.zz.fo/XXYxc.jpg - Scary house leak. (Discord)
                                        https://z.zz.fo/1anCw.jpg - Right now. (Discord)
                                        https://z.zz.fo/Bm24d.png - Scary Paynah. (Discord)
                                        https://z.zz.fo/aalDU.png - #Doxed. (Discord)
                                        https://z.zz.fo/gFCwj.png - Interesting coming from Paynah. (Discord)
                                        https://z.zz.fo/FeAzK.png - Scary Paynah v2. (Discord)
                                        https://z.zz.fo/VO6u0.png - Pedo Warp. (Discord)
                                        https://z.zz.fo/AT3DJ.png - Pedo Warp v2. (Discord)
                                        https://z.zz.fo/RKy7D.png - Pedo Warp v3. (Discord)
                                        https://z.zz.fo/lq5Yv.png - Ego Warp. (Twitter)
                                        https://z.zz.fo/4aYFW.png - Ego Warp v2. (Twitter)
                                        https://z.zz.fo/5gZSi.png - Ego Warp v3. (Twitter)
                                        https://z.zz.fo/aeU0p.png - Scary Warp. (Discord)
                                        https://z.zz.fo/6n22p.png - Warp is funny. (Discord)
                                        https://z.zz.fo/Elsyk.png - Purp gets scared. (Discord)
                                        ⛤ Credits to e-girls and Drayco for screenshots.
  					       -= ThE AlMiGhTY IrLs CoLLeCTIoN =-
                                        https://z.zz.fo/wwdKJ.png - Corban
                                        https://z.zz.fo/JGtwD.png - Corban
                                        https://z.zz.fo/phr9Q.png - Corban
                                        https://z.zz.fo/8Jg8I.jpg - Warp
                                        https://z.zz.fo/1gc5G.png - Warp
                                        https://z.zz.fo/3LyH0.jpg - Warp
                                        https://z.zz.fo/rSp0V.jpg - RussianKaz
                                        https://z.zz.fo/4nxWg.jpg - RussianKaz
                                        https://z.zz.fo/iUaxx.jpg - RussianKaz and his guinea pig!
                                        https://z.zz.fo/baCyu.png - Purpulse
                                        https://z.zz.fo/HBq0e.png - Purpulse and Daddy
                                        https://z.zz.fo/wwa8p.png - Purpulse
ViLE▓░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█[            Target 1 - Warp            ]█░░▓
    Let's begin our adventure throught the Kcals retard community, starting with the one and only Warp! Warp is a known name in the Kcals 
    community. Warp has had his run through multiple children, which has resulted to him being hated for pedophilia. For the past years,
    he has been trying to have e-sex with multiple underaged girls. If they did not comply with his requests, he would then try to dox and
    extort these young girls. Not only that, but he has a HUGE ego when it comes to online stuff. He will sit online thinking he's the
    supreme leader of everything. So let's begin our journey in Kcals, shall we?
  » Alias(s):
    » Warp
    » Omgitswarp123
    » 3xalio
    » EwNon
    » Warpu
    » Shaunafauteux
    » nicehop22
  » Full Name: Shiv Patel 
  » Age: 18
  » Date Of Birth: 07/05/2003

  » Home Address: 514 George Washington Rd, Enfield, CT 06082, USA
  » School: Enfield High School
  » Email(s):
    » [A] : warp1234@yahoo.com
              » Found on: 
                » Discord
    » [B] : omgitswar@yahoo.com
              » Found on:
                » N/A
    » [C] : sfauteux03@yahoo.com
              » Name: N/A
              » Google ID: 110929166865248746362
              » Found on:
                » Twitter
                » Spotify
                » Pornhub
                » Google
    » [D] : meganleannferguson@gmail.com
              » Name: missmeggiegriff
              » Google ID: 103006510989531267532
              » Found on:
                » Wattpad
                » Spotify
                » Samsung
                » Google
    » [E] : s_phillips21@yahoo.com
              » Name: Shannon Phillips
              » Google ID: 113619579757761774476
              » Found on:
                » Wattpad
                » Twitter
                » Gravatar
                » Google
    » [F] : shiv.patel.7503@outlook.com
              » Found on:
                » Discord
                » Spotify
                » Office365
                » Codecademy
    » [G] : deeparin@rediffmail.com
              » Name: Dipmala Patel
              » Google ID: 117974839418366116180
              » Found on:
                » Google
                » Amazon
    » [H] : omgitswarp123@outlook.com
              » Found on:
                » Office365
  » Social Media:
    » Minecraft: https://namemc.com/profile/warpu.1
    » Discord
      » Warp#4931
      » Warpu#0001
      » Warp#1000
    » Twitter: https://twitter.com/Omgitswarp123?ref_src=twsrc
    » Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/user-699741909
    » Youtube: https://youtube.com/channel/UCVBCBUXmGN-RrHY__XFvs7g
    » Twitch: https://m.twitch.tv/omgitswarp123/profile
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  » Full Name: Parin K. Patel
  » Age: 46
  » Date Of Birth: 08/??/1974
  » Social Security Number: 611-40-0866
  » Phone Number(s):
    » 860-741-2613
    » 860-849-9129
    » 860-849-0300
    » 860-408-9587
    » 860-408-9451 
    » 860-408-1446
  » Home Address: 514 George Washington Rd, Enfield, CT 06082, USA

  » Social Media:
    » Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/parin.patel.100046
  __  __       _   _               
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 |_|  |_|\___/ \__|_| |_|\___|_|   
  » Full Name: Dipmla P Patel
  » Age: 41
  » Date Of Birth: 07/??/1980
  » Phone Number(s):
    » 860-849-0300 
    » 860-741-2613
  » Home Address: 514 George Washington Rd, Enfield, CT 06082, USA
  » Email(s):
    » [A] : deeparin@rediffmail.com
              » Name: Dipmala Patel
              » Google ID: 117974839418366116180
              » Found on:
                » Google
                » Amazon

ViLE▓░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█[            Target 2 - Purpulse        ]█░░▓

    Moving on to our next retard, Purpulse aka mini warp. The "undoxable" scary swatter that threatens girls has met his match, being Federal.
    Though his OPSEC is very very good, with no holes, he still ended up getting dropped. This dox alone took Federal 7 hours to complete, where
    others took us 5 minutes. Purpulse enjoys running around threatening to swat girls, thinking he's RIU, and pretending to be harmful. Yet when
    confronted with his full name, he gets scared. A true goofy goober.
    When Purpulse first encountered Tyrone and Federal, he was talking mad shit. Claiming to be harmful, calling us skids, not being able to dox
    him etc etc. However, this was soon to be changed. Purpulse you are our little kitten now. <3
  » Alias(s):
    » Purpulse
    » Impulsified
    » SteveTheSweat
    » Pulsin
    » SpookyPulse
    » SilverstandOP
    » ImpulseWasOP
  » Full Name: Jayden Roberts
  » Age: 17
  » Date Of Birth: 08/14/2004
  » Phone Number(s): 989-906-5545
    » Carrier: T-Mobile
  » Home Address: 21431 W NORTH COUNTY LINE RD, NEWAYGO, Michigan 49337
  » Email(s):
    » [A] : purpulsemc@gmail.com - Jacked <> https://z.zz.fo/jcR0h.png
              » Name: Purpulse
              » Google ID: 109096709717776372987
              » Found on:
                » Twitter
                » Google
                » Amazon
                » Adobe
  » Social Media:
    » Minecraft: https://namemc.com/profile/Purpulse.2
    » Twitter:
      » https://mobile.twitter.com/Purpulse2
      » https://mobile.twitter.com/PurpulseMC
    » Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jayden.roberts.336
    » Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/purpulselive
    » YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPAvtcsc_nPvLMCydVU8dEw
    » Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/ttd2s6z4pw4gx2py57p73mov7
    » Snapchat: https://www.snapchat.com/add/purpulsesnap
  _____     _   _               
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  » Full Name: Daniel Charles Roberts
  » Age: 38
  » Date Of Birth: 02/16/1984
  » Social Security Number: 367-02-2450
  » Phone Number(s):
    » (850) 445-6615
    » (254) 542-4873
    » (850) 536-0572
    » (989) 831-4340
  » Home Address: 21431 W NORTH COUNTY LINE RD, NEWAYGO, Michigan 49337
  » Email(s):
    » [A] : dan.roberts.2001@gmail.com
              » Name: Dan Roberts
              » Google ID: 106894617702572325613
              » Found on:
                » Google
                » Spotify
                » Samsung
                » Nike
                » Eventbrite
                » Amazon
                » Adobe
  » Social Media:
    » Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dan.roberts.56863
  » Criminal:
    » Speeding 15-20 MPH Above Limit x1
      » Docket: 2002TR7001
  » Vehicles:
    » 2008 Nissan Armada
  __  __       _   _               
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  » Full Name: Rachael Elaine Roberts
  » Maiden Name: Ortiz
  » Age: 38
  » Date Of Birth: 06/??/1983
  » Social Security Number: 304-88-5951
  » Phone Number(s):
    » (970) 985-1719
    » (970) 361-8900
    » (305) 966-4188
    » (505) 350-1972
    » (916) 764-7073
    » (408) 661-7819
  » Home Address: 21431 W NORTH COUNTY LINE RD, NEWAYGO, Michigan 49337
  » Email(s):
    » [A] : rachelortiz@gmail.com
              » Name: Rachael Ortiz
              » Google ID: 110473876573083300373
              » Found on:
                » Google
                » Wattpad
                » Twitter
                » Spotify - Jacked
                » Nike
                » Ello
                » Amazon
                » Adobe
    » [B] : rach.ortiz@gmail.com - Jacked
            » Name: Rachael Ortiz
            » Google ID: 111663049472129537173
            » Found on:
              » Twitter
              » Google
    » [C] : rachaelortiz96@yahoo.com
            » Name: Rachael Ortiz
            » Found on:
              » Yahoo
              » MySpace
  » Social Media:
    » Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009070249449
  » Vehicles:
    » 2002 Ford Focus
    » 2002 Pontiac Grand AM
    » 2003 Dodge Neon
    » 1999 Honda Accord
    » 2006 Ford F-150
    » 2015 Ford F-150

ViLE▓░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█[            Target 3 - Paynah          ]█░░▓

    Next on our list, is Paynah, the retard overlord. From a massive ego, to mental issues up the wazoo, Ivan has it all. ViLE's first run in
    with Paynah began when he was threatening to swat a 16 year old child. After this, he claimed he was undoxable, which Yo quickly and swiftly
    proved wrong. Ivan talked up a storm, talking all sorts of shit, until Yo dropped all his shit and jacked his email. Ivan still enjoys 
    threatening young girls online, trying to dox them with all 2 of his braincells, and being an overall prick. Hopefully this will level him
    out a little bit, knock some sense into him perhaps.
  » Alias(s):
    » Paynah
    » payna_h
  » Full Name: Ivan Milosevic
  » Age: 18-19
  » Date Of Birth: ??/??/2003
  » Phone Number(s): +381 60 3234195
  » Home Address: Beogradska 122, Beograd 11000, Serbia
  » School: Nikola Tesla Technical School
  » Email(s):
    » [A] : paynahontop@mail.com 
              » Found on: 
                » Discord
    » [B] : paynahtest@outlook.com
              » Found on:
                » Office365
                » Discord
    » [C] : paynahontop@outlook.com
              » Found on:
                » Office365
    » [D] : paynahisgod@hotmail.com - Jacked
              » Found on:
                » Office365
    » [E] : milosevicivan00@gmail.com
              » Name: Paliden
              » Google ID: 103620148670605092807
              » Found on:
                » Zoho
                » Twitter - Jacked
                » Pornhub
                » LastFM
                » Google
                » Discord
                » Canva
                » Blackspigot
                » Minehut
    » [F] : iivvann111222333@gmail.com
              » Found on:
                » Google
    » [G] : milosevic.ivan@tsvelikaplana.edu.rs
              » Name: Ivan Milošević
              » Google ID: 112985706285312783831
              » Found on:
                » Samsung
                » Google
                » Discord
  » Social Media:
    » Minecraft: https://mine.ly/Paynah.1
    » Twitter: https://twitter.com/payna_h
    » Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/stimp
  _____     _   _               
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  » Full Name: Zoran Milosevic
  » Age: 53-54
  » Date Of Birth: ??/??/1968
  » Phone Number(s): +381 60 0831379
  » Home Address: Beogradska 122, Beograd 11000, Serbia
  » Email(s):
    » [A] : miloseviczoran1968@gmail.com
              » Name: Zoran Milosevic
              » Google ID: 114423745303235531140
              » Common Password: Ivan03Zoran68
              » Found on:
                » Google
  » Social Media:
    » Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/zoran.milosevic.z
ViLE▓░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█[           Target 4 - RussianKaz       ]█░░▓

    Moving further, we find RussianKaz, the "russian hacker". Kaz claims to be undoxable and likes to shit talk to everyone he meets online.
    Kaz goes around on Discord, acting harmful towards everyone he meets. He uses Discord tokens to spam peoples information, bot servers etc.
    It is clear that this russian freak got some brain issues. In addition to this, there are some rumours of Kaz dating his own sister, which
    is absolutely disgusting. His mother is Russian, and she married her current husband for a greencard in the US. Kaz you and your family
    are full of freaks. Keep being in the Bedwars community, and quit acting harmful. Next time you swat an e-girl and act harmful towards
    them, let's see what happenes yeah?
  » Alias(s):
    » RussianKaz
    » Kaz
    » Jason
  » Full Name: Jason Freshour
  » Age: 16
  » Date Of Birth: ??/??/2005

  » Home Address: 652 W Homer Adams Rd, Elma, WA 98541, USA
  » School: Montesano Jr. Sr. High School
  » Email(s):
    » [A] : freshourjason7@gmail.com
              » Name: Russian Kaz
              » Google ID: 115372250328812017158
              » Found on:
                » Spotify
                » Samsung
                » Google
                » Github - Jacked
                » Amazon
                » Adobe
  » Social Media:
    » Minecraft: https://namemc.com/profile/RussianKaz.4
    » Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jason.freshour.3
    » Instagram:
      » https://www.instagram.com/jason.freshour/
      » https://www.instagram.com/freshpowder69/
    » Twitter: https://twitter.com/jason_freshour?lang=en
    » Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZrWxGHryC32MAk4BPfXwQg
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  » Full Name: William "Bill" Bond Freshour 
  » Age: 63
  » Date Of Birth: 04/27/1955
  » Phone Number(s):
    » (360) 426-8784
    » (360) 412-0840
    » (360) 491-1149
    » (360) 413-0720
  » Home Address: 652 W Homer Adams Rd, Elma, WA 98541, USA
  » Email(s):
    » [A] : arcellular@hotmail.com
              » Found on:
                » Hotmail - Jacked
                » Office365
                » MySpace
    » [B] : yfreshour@aol.com
              » Found on:
                » Aol
    » [C] : bill@2dgs.com
              » Found on:
                » 2dgs
    » [D] : ykf1@live.com
              » Found on:
                » Vrbo
                » Live.com
                » Samsung
                » Office365 - Jacked
                » Discord
                » Amazon
  » Social Media:
    » Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bill-freshour-48825a110
  » Vehicles:
    » 1998 Mercury Mystique
    » 1990 Ford F-150
    » 2012 Subaru Outback
    » 2003 Subaru Outback
  » Criminal:
    » Transport/sale of a contaminated substance x1
      » Docket: 5A899960-01
  » Licenses:
    » Sporting Permit
      » Issued in: Oregon
    » Sporting Permit
      » Issued in: Alaska
  » Business Affiliation:
    » Platinum Enterprises NW LLC
      » Role: Governor
      » Corp: #603437827
      » Business ID: 3822043512
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 |_|  |_|\___/ \__|_| |_|\___|_|   
  » Full Name: Yelena K Freshour
  » Age: 52
  » Date Of Birth: 02/??/1970
  » Phone Number(s):
    » (360) 470-9807
    » (360) 426-8784
  » Home Address: 652 W Homer Adams Rd Elma, WA 98541
  » Email(s):
    » [A] : ykf1@live.com
              » Found on:
                » Vrbo
                » Live.com
                » Samsung
                » Office365
                » Discord
                » Amazon - Jacked
  » Licenses:
    » Dental Hygienist
      » License #: #DEHY.DH.0000644

  » Vehicles:
    » 2012 Subaru Outback
    » 2003 Subaru Outback
    » 1998 Mercury Mystique
    » 1990 Ford F-150

ViLE▓░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█[            Target 5 - Corban          ]█░░▓

    And finally but most weird, Corban. Corban is a manipulative, harmless edater who loves to fuck around with egirls. He has had an odd
    history of swatting, doxing and threatning young girls. He appears to be filled with delusion and deception. Claims to be undoxable, harmful
    and intimidating. Corban is a roleplay hacker that likes to portray himself as a true "hacker" to innocent kids on Minecraft and Discord.
    Corban is also a psychopath. Corban has some serious mental issues regarding this. Corban has continued to swat young girls and boys
    ever since he became a member of Kcals. Not only this, but he has sent rape threats to the parents of these young girls. He has sent
    bomb and swat threats to the shools of his victims.
    Besides this, Corban extorts innocent boys and girls on Minecraft and Discord. He will beg young girls for explicit images of themselves.
    If they don't comply with his requests, he will do horrible stuff towards them. Corban tried to extort and manipulate a good friend of
    Tyrone, names will be undisclosed. Let's take Corban and Kcals down to the grave.
  » Alias(s):
    » Corban
    » Ayxo
    » DreamFan
    » Enormously
    » C4vlr17
    » BunnyGirlAyxo
    » Alpha_CX6
    » AlphexTheRogue
  » Full Name: Corban Chevy Cleghorn
  » Age: 16-17
  » Date Of Birth: ??/??/2004-2005

  » Home Address: 140 Lamond Street East, Hargest, Invercargill 9810, New Zealand
  » School: James Hargest College
  » Email(s): 
    » [A] : prehistorians0@gmail.com
              » Name: Steven Jones
              » Google ID: 115142766179639749885
              » Found on:
                 » Discord
                 » Google
                 » Pornhub
  » [B] : corbanc56@gmail.com
              » Name: Corban Cleghorn
              » Google ID: 116381096078712077147
              » Found on:
                  » Discord
                  » Google
  » [C] : Enormously0@gmail.com
              » Name: Ayxo
              » Google ID: 117373704600693622904
              » Found on:
                  » Spotify - Jacked
                  » Google
                  » Discord
                  » Amazon
  » Social Media:
    » Minecraft:
      » https://namemc.com/profile/C4vlr17.1
      » https://namemc.com/profile/Enormously.3
    » Twitter: https://twitter.com/prehistorians (Deleted LOL!)
    » Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/corbanchevycleghorn/
    » Snapchat:
      » https://www.snapchat.com/add/corbyg911/
      » https://www.snapchat.com/add/enormously1/ 
    » Discord:
      » Enormously#1470 
      » Ayxo#0090
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  » Full Name: Nigel Cleghorn
  » Age: 60-62
  » Date Of Birth: ??/??/1960-1962

  » Home Address: 140 Lamond Street East, Hargest, Invercargill 9810, New Zealand

  » Social Media:
    » Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nigel.cleghorn.1
  __  __       _   _               
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 | |  | | (_) | |_| | | |  __/ |   
 |_|  |_|\___/ \__|_| |_|\___|_|   
  » Full Name: Ange Balloch Cleghorn
  » Age: 50+

  » Home Address: 140 Lamond Street East, Hargest, Invercargill 9810, New Zealand
  » Email(s):
    » [A] : angecleghorn@gmail.com - Jacked
              » Name: Ange Cleghorn
              » Google ID: 109475072778327566473
              » Found on:
                 » Spotify
                 » Google
                 » Samsung
                 » Amazon
                 » Adobe
    » [B] : Angecleghorn@instagram.com 
              » Found on:
                  » Instagram
  » Social Media:
    » Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/angecleghorn/
    » Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/angecleghorn/
    » Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ange.cleghorn

ViLE▓░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█[            CREDITS            ]█░░▓
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                    .              .                       |   _      KCALS     _   |                                      .         .
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     .                      .                                       |      |                                                       .          .                     
                                 .          .                       |      |                            .                                    
           .             .                        .        .        |      |     .         .                         .                       
           .                        .                               |      |                                                         
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                                  https://ft.fail       ^ `^`^ ^`` `^ ^` ``^^`  `^^` `^ `^       https://vile.sh
                                 |  ⛤     Federal  <-> Lead Doxer         <-> https://t.me/affiances           |   
                                 |  ⛤     Ty       <-> Doxer & Author     <-> https://doxbin.com/user/Tyrone   |
                                 |  ⛤     Lilith   <-> Doxer              <-> evil#1234                        |
                                 |  ⛤     Yo       <-> Paynah Dox         <-> https://twitter.com/thrilled     |
                                 |  ⛤     Icemop   <-> Expose Vid Rapper  <-> https://t.me/lwuoo               |

ViLE▓░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█[               KCALS DOXED             ]█░░▓