                                    ║           Table Of Contents           ║
                                    ║          XO/TRC Dox 2023              ║                    
                                    ║      0x01 = Introduction/About        ║                    
                                    ║      0x02 = The Dox/Personal Info     ║ 
                                    ║          0x03 = Misc/Outro            ║                                                        
                                    ║           Date: 17/02/2023            ║  
                                    ║        Updated: 19/02/2023            ║                    

                                    ║            Section: 0x01              ║

    Hello! Welcome to the XO/TRC dox, The reason for this is quite simple. He wants to leak minors nudes, blackmail females for nudes, and claim to be so harmful using a great website called GRABIFY :0

                                    ║            Section: 0x02              ║

                                         Name: Christopher Michael Morales
                                         Age: 18
                                         Phone Number: 631-398-5911

                                         Current Address: 614 Commonwealth AveBronx, NY 10473
                                         Website: https://xyq8po.mimo.run/index.html
                                         Alias/New Name:
                                               Empathy : ~????????????????????????????~#0001
                                            Leaking minors nudes
                                            Blackmailing females for nudes
                                            Getting doxxed (hehe)

                                         Photos of him:


                                        Talking to an 11 year old:

                                       Imagine getting bitched by a 17 & 16 year old LMFAO

                                    ║            Section: 0x03              ║

                           Since you like to leak minors nudes, get your information leaked by a minor <3
                                       Rumor has it TRC stands for the Rapist club
                                              Doxxed, by NekoLolis.

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