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   ═> Thinks kotlin is a real language, has the shittiest website ive ever seen
   ═> Banned multiple scuffed members from a server for helping clueless newfags
   ═> Doesn't know what bootstrap is or how to paste it into a website

   ═> Don't abuse admin power when your a retarded nn skid yourself

══════════════════════════════════>Basic Info<═════════════════════════════════
   ═> FirstName: Brett
   ═> MiddleName: J
   ═> LastName: Bender
   ═> Race: Caucasian
   ═> Ethnicity: American
   ═> Age: 22

══════════════════════════════>Social Medias<══════════════════════════════════
   => Discord: apollo#9292 ID: 846846273536524338
   => Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198284626974
   => Twitch: https://twitch.tv/greatapollonius
   => Twitter: https://twitter.com/greatgodapollo
   => Github: https://github.com/GreatGodApollo
   => Keybase: https://keybase.io/greatgodapollo
   => Begging site: https://buymeacoff.ee/brettjb
   => Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/greatgodapollo
   => Yandex: https://yandex.ru/collections/api/users/greatgodapollo/
   => Roblox: https://www.roblox.com/user.aspx?username=greatgodapollo
   => Wikipedia: https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:greatgodapollo
   => Pornhub: https://pornhub.com/users/greatgodapollo
   => Bodyspace: https://bodyspace.bodybuilding.com/greatgodapollo
   => Destructoid: https://www.destructoid.com/?name=greatgodapollo
   => Influencer: https://www.influenster.com/greatgodapollo
   => Love Planet: https://loveplanet.ru/page/greatgodapollo
   => Fortnite : https://fortnitetracker.com/profile/all/greatgodapollo
   => Idk wtf this is: https://mirtesen.ru/people/greatgodapollo/profile

   => A lot more socials that won't fit here: https://hatebin.com/gzccevfcoh

═════════════════════════════>Contact Info<════════════════════════════════════
   ═> Email: brett@brettb.xyz & apollo@radicaldelta.org
   ═> PhoneNumber: (608) 571-2974

═════════════════════════════>Phone Info<══════════════════════════════════════
   => nigger wont give me his cell so his personal landline will have to do for now

═══════════════════════════>Hobbies and Commitments<═══════════════════════════
   => Freelance and OSS developer, currently helping at @EndlessHosting.
   => Works on Minecraft plugins, Discord bots, and various other applications. Uses Go, Kotlin, and Ruby and works on CLI tools and APIs
   => Working as a Bukkake cum whore at the local Wisconsin brothel

═════════════════════════════>Other Info<══════════════════════════════════════
   => PersonalSite: https://brettb.xyz
   => WhoisReport: https://hatebin.com/edpllqpcol
   => Has 7 Devices hooked up to his Keybase for some reason?: https://hatebin.com/ojgwmdkcqj
   => More Keybase keys: https://hatebin.com/ihodbdatpd

   ═> Country: United States of America
   ═> State: Wisconsin
   ═> City: Rio
   ═> Zip: 53960
   ═> Street: W5978 Gorman Rd
   ═> Name: Jeffery L Bender
   ═> Gender: Male
   => Age: 51
   ═> Race: Caucasian
   ═> Ethnicity: American
   ═> PhoneNumber: (608) 429-3418 & (920) 992-3057
   ═> Occupation: Riding BBC for RedHamster.com
   ═> Address: W5978 Gorman Rd Rio, WI 53960
   => PreviousLocation: Pardeeville, WI & Whitewater, WI & Shreve, OH & Portage, WI & Arlington Heights, IL

   ═> Name: Michelle R Bender
   ═> Gender: Female
   ═> Age: 49 
   ═> Race: Caucasian
   ═> Ethnicity: American
   => MaidenName: Deleon
   ═> Occupation: Full-time Cam-Whore 
   => PhoneNumber: (636) 928-2166 & (608) 429-3418
   ═> CurrentAddress: 5734 Shreve Rd Wooster, OH 44691
   => PreviousLocation: Lake Ozark, MO & Pardeeville, WI & Rio, WI & Delavan, WI & Shreve, OH & Elkhorn, WI & Fort Myers, FL & Whitewater, WI & Kissimmee, FL & Mansfield, OH
   => Relatives: Pedro A Deleon Age 84 & Elisa M Deleon Age 62 & Jerry Deleon Age 56


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