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║                     TABLE OF CONTENTS                     ║
║ →     Credits........................................     ║
║ →     Information........................................ ║
║ →     House Pics...........................               ║
║ →     Property Information...........................     ║
║ →     House Sales...........................              ║


║                           Credits                         ║
» db#4321 (courtend)


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║                        Information                        ║
» Name: Tony Inacay
» Address: 6522 N Oxford Ave Chicago IL 60631-1529                           
» Zip Code: 60631
» Email: inacay2@aol.com
» Phone Number: +1 (312) 286-9927
» Address Key: 5906877784
» Lat. & Long: 41.999993 -87.817904
» Address Type: Residential
» Postal Carrier Route:	C019 (DPC: 22-3 )
» U.S. Representative: Jan Schakowsky (D) (09)
» County: 17031 Cook
» County: Subdivision 14000 Chicago city
» Tract: 0903.00
» Block: 1013
» City, Place or Town: 1714000 Chicago
» Unified School District: 09930 Chicago Public School District 299
» State Upper District: 010
» State Lower District: 020
» Delivery Post Office:	Norwood Park 6300 N Northwest Hwy Chicago IL 60631 773-631-2204

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║                       House Pictures                      ║
House Pictures:

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║                     Property Information                  ║
» Property Address: 6522 N Oxford Ave Chicago IL 60631-1529
» Parcel Number (APN): 0936314027
» County (FIPS Code): Cook (17031)
» Census FIPS+Tract+Block: 17031+090300+1013
» Owner's Name: Graciela O Inacay
» Owner's Address MAK: 5906877784
» Estimated Market Value: $962,000
» Year Assessed: 2020
» Assessed Value Total: $66,935
» Assessed Value Land: $7,533
» Assessed Value Improvements: $59,402
» Tax Bill Amount: $14,220
» Year Built: 2016
» Building Area (sf): 2,614
» Area 1st Floor: 0
» Area 2nd Floor: 0
» Area Lot (acres): 0.1280
» Area Lot (sf): 5,580
» Area Parking Garage (sf): 0
» Bed Rooms: 3
» Bath Rooms: 2
» Count of Properties Owned: 4 Properties

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║                       House Sales                         ║

Date:         Sales:  Average Price:
November 2022	14	$429,571
October 2022	29	$352,655
September 2022	34	$382,926
August 2022	29	$430,810
July 2022	36	$409,513
June 2022	40	$429,100
May 2022	45	$400,000
April 2022	41	$455,463
March 2022	35	$414,700
February 2022	24	$424,500
January 2022	26	$357,038
December 2021	27	$438,185
November 2021	38	$365,078
October 2021	44	$483,897
September 2021	34	$357,426
August 2021	43	$445,069
July 2021	50	$411,570
June 2021	42	$401,964
May 2021	37	$419,364
April 2021	49	$367,295
March 2021	21	$433,023
February 2021	35	$367,814
January 2021	29	$324,655
December 2020	16	$289,312

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