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                                    |                 Table Of Contents                  |
                                    |    0x00 Introduction............................   |
                                    |    0x01 Reason..................................   |
                                    |    0x02 Personal Information....................   |
                                    |    0x03 Education...............................   |
                                    |    0x04 Social Media Accounts...................   |
                                    |    0x05 Family Members..........................   |
                                    |    0x06 Outro...................................   |
                                    |    0x07 Credits &amp; Links.....................   |
                                    |      						 |

                                                •• 0x00 Introduction •• 
Hello this may be one of my final doxes but, welcome to this dox on this random.
                                                   •• 0x01 Reason ••
My friend wanted me to dox them so so now we are here.


                                              •• 0x02 Personal Information ••

Legal Name.................... Callum Cameron Kiser
Occupation.................... N/A
Gender........................ Male
D.O.B......................... 2006
Age........................... 15
Mobile Phone Number........... N/A
Direct Address................ 215 Mount Pleasant Blvd Fredericksburg, VA 22405
Country....................... USA
State......................... Virginia
City.......................... Fredericksburg
ZIP........................... 22405
Email(s)...................... N/A
Parents....................... They are divorced rofl
Irl()......................... Ricky C Kiser, Aamela A Hall (Pamela Ann Kiser) Frank Hall, Anna Shaffer (Ann Mae Shaffer)


                                                      •• 0x03 Education ••

School........................ Stafford High School
School Address................ 63 Stafford Indians Lane Fredericksburg, VA 22405
School Phone.................. 540-371-7200
                                                       •• 0x05 Family ••

Legal Name.................... Kristin Kiser
Gender........................ Female
D.O.B......................... August of 1983
Age........................... 38
Mobile Phone Number........... (540) 373-4373
Direct Address................ 14344 Westway Ln, Unit 5 Woodbridge VA 22193
Country....................... USA
State......................... Virginia
City.......................... Woodbridge
ZIP........................... 22193
Email(s)...................... N/A

Legal Name.................... Ricky Sean Kiser
Gender........................ Male
D.O.B......................... July of 1984
Age........................... 37
Mobile Phone Number........... (540) 872-5170
Direct Address................ 215 Mount Pleasant Blvd Fredericksburg VA 22405
Country....................... USA
State......................... Virginia
City.......................... Fredericksburg 
ZIP........................... 22405
Email(s)...................... rickykiser27@gmail.com


                                                 •• 0x07 Outro ••
  To my friend who requested this you are welcome.

                                               •• 0x08 Links & credit ••
