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                                                                                  《 The Network Admin 》

>                                   This is not an attack on "totking", but on the Twerion network's dubious selling tactics for their ranks and perks.                                   <
>                                                                                    http://is.am/5ep7                                                                                    <

                                                                                          ⟨ Alias ⟩

>                                                                                      » tobiklein99                                                                                      <
>                                                                                      »  totkingxd                                                                                       <
>                                                                                      »   totking                                                                                        <
>                                                                                      »    Tobi                                                                                          <


                                                                           ⟨ Personally identifiable information ⟩

>                                                                                 Image: http://is.am/5ep9                                                                                <

>                        » First Name    : Tobias                              » Adresse : Gartenstraße 21                            » Zip       : 63456                                 <
>                        » Last Name     : Klein                               » City    : Hanau                                      » Longitude : 8.9106533                             <
>                        » Date of birth : 7/2/1999                            » State   : Hessen                                     » Latitude  : 50.1138679                            <


                                                                                     ⟨ Social Presence ⟩

>                           » Battle.net : totKing#2420                                                    » Twitter  : https://twitter.com/totkingxd                                     <
>                           » Discord    : totking#0519                                                    » Spotify  : https://open.spotify.com/user/1169115683                          <
>                           » Skype      : totkingxd                                                       » Snapchat : https://www.snapchat.com/add/tobiklein99                          <
>                           » NameMC     : https://namemc.com/profile/totKing                              » Tellonym : https://tellonym.me/tobiklein99                                   <
>                           » Instagram  : https://www.instagram.com/tobiklein99                           » Trello   : https://trello.com/totking                                        <
>                           » Github     : https://github.com/totking                                      » Steam    : https://steamcommunity.com/id/totking                             <

>                                                     » SpigotMC : https://www.spigotmc.org/members/totking.60049 | https://rb.gy/40bgi                                                   <


                                                                                      ⟨ Digital Data ⟩

>                     » Email : tobias.walter99@gmx.de                     » IP:                     » Password : e1550513e88c5cf63a83cc11dd10d4da (md5)                   <
>                        -> [+] firefox.com                                                              7367080K123                                              <
>                                                                                                          7367080K17                                               <
>                                                                                                           7367080Kd                                                <
>                                                                                                                                7367080K1                                                <
>                                                                                                                                7367080K                                                 <
>                                                                                                                                7367080                                                  <
>                                                                                                                                73670                                                    <
>                                                                                                                                7080K                                                    <
>                                                                                                                                367080K                                                  <
>                                                                                                                                K0807637                                                 <
>                                                                                                                                1q2w3e4r5t                                               <
>                                                                                                                                TheBest1234                                              <


                                                                                        ⟨ Comments ⟩

>                                     » Probably ddosed other minecraft severs (or at least tried to) => signed up on "InBoot.me" and "LizardStresser"                                    <


                                                                                       ⟨ Change-log ⟩

>                                                                                 » Initial V2 | 06/05/23                                                                                 <
>                                                                                 » Fixed Typo | 07/05/23                                                                                 <
                                                                                       《  Hydra  》