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|                 PHONE NUMBERS UKRAINE DATABASE:               |

| [+] numbers start with +380                                   |
| [-] all numbers are entered without separators                |

the numbers belong to people between 20 and 45 years old, maybe older; the numbers were leaked; they were provided to us by a person for a fee:

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Street:  Sumi / CHerepіna, Vul., bld. 8, appt. 18

City:  Sumy

State/province/area:    Sumskaya oblast

Phone number:  +3800542323358

Country calling code:  +380

Country:  Ukraine

Street:  Ordzhonikidze Ul., bld. 118, appt. 78

City:  Kerch

State/province/area:    Avtonomnaya Respublika Krym

Phone number:  +3800656334-79

Country calling code:  +380

Country:  Ukraine

Street:  Kosiora Ul., bld. 87, appt. 11

City:  Krivoy Rog

State/province/area:    Dnepropetrovskaya oblast

Phone number:  +3800564711526

Country calling code:  +380

Country:  Ukraine

Street:  Velikі Bіrki, bld. 1, appt. 2

City:  Ternopol

State/province/area:    Ternopolskaya oblast

Phone number:  +3800352292520

Country calling code:  +380

Country:  Ukraine

Street:  Usova V. Ul., bld. 30, appt. 72

City:  Nikopol

State/province/area:    Dnepropetrovskaya oblast

Phone number:  +380056)52521

Country calling code:  +380

Country:  Ukraine

Street:  KHolmistaya Ul., bld. 1, appt. 1

City:  Donetsk

State/province/area:    Donetskaya oblast

Phone number:  +380062210474

Country calling code:  +380

Country:  Ukraine

Street:  KHolmistaya Ul., bld. 1, appt. 1

City:  Donetsk

State/province/area:    Donetskaya oblast

Phone number:  +380062210474

Country calling code:  +380

Country:  Ukraine

Street:  Lazurnaya, bld. 42/В, appt. 4

City:  Nikolaev

State/province/area:    Nikolaevskaya oblast

Phone number:  +3800512414361

Country calling code:  +380

Country:  Ukraine

Street:  Vinnera Ul., bld. 14

City:  Kherson

State/province/area:    KHersonskaya oblast

Phone number:  +380552426697

Country calling code:  +380

Country:  Ukraine

Street:  SHpitalna Vul., bld. 30, appt. 7

City:  Lvov

State/province/area:    Lvovskaya oblast

Phone number:  +380292723329

Country calling code:  +380

Country:  Ukraine

Street:  Blyukhera Ul., bld. 33, appt. 73

City:  Kharkov

State/province/area:    KHarkovskaya oblast

Phone number:  +3805769450

Country calling code:  +380

Country:  Ukraine

Street:  Grebinki Ul., bld. 22, appt. 75

City:  Poltava

State/province/area:    Poltavskaya oblast

Phone number:  +38032532696

Country calling code:  +380

Country:  Ukraine