               ║   _____   ______   _______     _______   _____     ____    _        _        ______   _____   ║
               ║  / ____| |  ____| |__   __|   |__   __| |  __ \   / __ \  | |      | |      |  ____| |  __ \  ║
               ║ | |  __  | |__       | |         | |    | |__) | | |  | | | |      | |      | |__    | |  | | ║
               ║ | | |_ | |  __|      | |         | |    |  _  /  | |  | | | |      | |      |  __|   | |  | | ║
               ║ | |__| | | |____     | |         | |    | | \ \  | |__| | | |____  | |____  | |____  | |__| | ║
               ║  \_____| |______|    |_|         |_|    |_|  \_\  \____/  |______| |______| |______| |_____/  ║
               ║                                                                                               ║                                                

╟█░░░█[ INTRODUCTION --  PWNED BY SOULLESS XDDDDDDDD ]█░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█[0x00]█┣╣

                                               - Greetings, today I would love to show you
the dox of one of the most little shits i have ever seen on the internet, known online as "uwucutesingle" promoting gambling to children as well
as trying to get out of her drama by claiming that there are starving kids in Afirca acting like that has anything to do with the damage she has
done, but know I will put an end to this shit show of a person, Aruzhan Tleubergenova aka uwucutesingle will be gone for good after this dox. 

╟█░░░█[ PSUENDONYMS/ALIASES --  PWNED BY SOULLESS XDDDDDDDD ]█░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█[0x01]█┣╣

        - Psuedonyms:                                                                                        - Aliases: 
            + None                                                                                               + uwucutesingle
                                                                                                                 + aruntik
                                                                                                                 + Aruzhka01
                                                                                                                 + Aruzhan Tleubergenova 
                                                                                                                 + aru.aru0111

╟█░░░█[ TARGETS INFO --  PWNED BY SOULLESS XDDDDDDDD ]█░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█[0x02]█┣╣

        - Name:                Aruzhan Tleubergenova
        - Age:                 16
        - Birthday:            9/13/2006

        - Location:            Almaty, Kazakhstan (Impossible to find direct address due to privacy laws)
                               Aktobe, Kazakhstan (Old City)

        - Education:           Secondary School Lyceum No. 27 (Graduated in 2018)
                                    - Address: Средняя Школа Лицей № 27, Средняя Школа Лицей 27, Zhubanov Brothers St 273/а, Aktobe, Kazakhstan
                                    - Phone: +7 (727) 388 82 3

                               Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Most likely dropped out)
                                     - Address: Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Al-Farabi Avenue 71, Almaty 050040, Kazakhstan
                                     - Phone: +7 727 377 3330

╟█░░░█[ TARGETS EMAILS --  PWNED BY SOULLESS XDDDDDDDD ]█░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█[0x03]█┣╣

       > [1] aruzhka01@mail.ru
                 ~ Name:        N/A
                 ~ ID:          N/A
                 ~ Last Update: N/A

                 - Signed Up Sites: dubsmash.com 

       > [2] uwucutesingle@gmail.com
                 ~ Photo: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/AD5-WCkFxdv8vsHXcjikJT1Qovv9MJUOnT5zlMfz3_R2
                 ~ Name: uwucutesingle kahiluk
                 ~ ID: 105758520075683719965
                 ~ Last Update: 2022-10-06 03:55:55 (UTC)

                 - Signed Up Sites: replit.com

╟█░░░█[ TARGETS DATABREACHES --  PWNED BY SOULLESS XDDDDDDDD ]█░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█[0x04]█┣╣

             | Databreaches Under: aruzhka01@mail.ru       |

     [1] Dubsmash DB
            ~ Email: aruzhka01@mail.ru
            ~ Username: aru.aru0111
            ~ Hash: pbkdf2_sha256$24000$lp4M2EKamyqg$fqC2+SZBZaTpDCrkyr0hBs4Qb9MYe8yfRgUhHIGwAGI=
            ~ Cracked Hash (Password): aruzhka 

 $$$$$$\                                                     $$\               
$$  __$$\                                                    $$ |              
$$ /  $$ | $$$$$$$\  $$$$$$$\  $$$$$$\  $$\   $$\ $$$$$$$\ $$$$$$\    $$$$$$$\ 
$$$$$$$$ |$$  _____|$$  _____|$$  __$$\ $$ |  $$ |$$  __$$\\_$$  _|  $$  _____|
$$  __$$ |$$ /      $$ /      $$ /  $$ |$$ |  $$ |$$ |  $$ | $$ |    \$$$$$$\  
$$ |  $$ |$$ |      $$ |      $$ |  $$ |$$ |  $$ |$$ |  $$ | $$ |$$\  \____$$\ 
$$ |  $$ |\$$$$$$$\ \$$$$$$$\ \$$$$$$  |\$$$$$$  |$$ |  $$ | \$$$$  |$$$$$$$  |
\__|  \__| \_______| \_______| \______/  \______/ \__|  \__|  \____/ \_______/ 

    Bandlab    uwucutesingle    music    https://www.bandlab.com/uwucutesingle
    Chess.com    uwucutesingle    gaming    https://www.chess.com/member/uwucutesingle
    giters    uwucutesingle    coding    https://giters.com/uwucutesingle
    GitHub    uwucutesingle    coding    https://github.com/uwucutesingle
    Instagram    uwucutesingle    social    https://instagram.com/uwucutesingle
    likeevideo    uwucutesingle    social    https://likee.video/@uwucutesingle
    MCName (Minecraft)    uwucutesingle    gaming    https://mcname.info/en/search?q=uwucutesingle
    MCUUID (Minecraft)    uwucutesingle    gaming    https://mcuuid.net/?q=uwucutesingle
    omlet    uwucutesingle    gaming    https://omlet.gg/profile/uwucutesingle
    Picsart    uwucutesingle    art    https://picsart.com/u/uwucutesingle
    Pinterest    uwucutesingle    social    https://www.pinterest.com/uwucutesingle/
    pokemonshowdown    uwucutesingle    gaming    https://pokemonshowdown.com/users/uwucutesingle
    redbubble    uwucutesingle    shopping    https://www.redbubble.com/people/uwucutesingle/shop
    Reddit    uwucutesingle    social    https://www.reddit.com/user/uwucutesingle
    Roblox    uwucutesingle    gaming    https://www.roblox.com/search/users?keyword=uwucutesingle
    scratch    uwucutesingle    coding    https://scratch.mit.edu/users/uwucutesingle/
    Snapchat    uwucutesingle    social    https://www.snapchat.com/add/uwucutesingle
    StreamElements    uwucutesingle    finance    https://streamelements.com/uwucutesingle
    Teespring    uwucutesingle    business    https://uwucutesingle.creator-spring.com/
    Telegram    uwucutesingle    social    https://t.me/uwucutesingle
    Twitter    uwucutesingle    social    https://twitter.com/uwucutesingle
    wattpad    uwucutesingle    social    https://www.wattpad.com/user/uwucutesingle
    YouTube User2    uwucutesingle    video    https://www.youtube.com/@uwucutesingle 
    Instagram	AruzhanTleubergenova	social	https://instagram.com/AruzhanTleubergenova
    Picsart	AruzhanTleubergenova	art	https://picsart.com/u/AruzhanTleubergenova 
    Facebook    Аружан Тлеубергенова    social  https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100005482515416 

$$$$$$$\                                          $$\               
$$  __$$\                                         $$ |              
$$ |  $$ |$$$$$$\   $$$$$$\   $$$$$$\  $$$$$$$\ $$$$$$\    $$$$$$$\ 
$$$$$$$  |\____$$\ $$  __$$\ $$  __$$\ $$  __$$\\_$$  _|  $$  _____|
$$  ____/ $$$$$$$ |$$ |  \__|$$$$$$$$ |$$ |  $$ | $$ |    \$$$$$$\  
$$ |     $$  __$$ |$$ |      $$   ____|$$ |  $$ | $$ |$$\  \____$$\ 
$$ |     \$$$$$$$ |$$ |      \$$$$$$$\ $$ |  $$ | \$$$$  |$$$$$$$  |
\__|      \_______|\__|       \_______|\__|  \__|  \____/ \_______/ 

    Fathers Name: Kamshat Tleubergenova

    Location:     Almaty, Kazakhstan

    Education:    Secondary school No. 19
                    - Address: Shkola 19, Eset Batir Street 101, Aktobe 030020, Kazakhstan

    Facebook:      https://www.facebook.com/kamshat.tleubergenova