Always bin a backstabber before and after 2013 Swatting... always talked shti about htose better than u... let this be a reminder about who's a doxed skill-less Meme and who represents the Underground 

AdR KaRMa / yBz KaRMa
Name: Alex Whitten
DOB xx/xx/1997
Address :696 Winesap Rd Amherst, OH 44001
Phone number: 440 714 2776 /(440) 985-1998
DB Entrys
 - Forum Korner
('16651','YBZ Adk KArma','85521a345b92ec14be9cbc43b59b6242','7JYqLxEr','','','2','0','','','','7','','0','','1350612700','1350850629','1350850629','1350652838','','0','','','','19-2-1980','all','','1','0','0','0','1','0','
LikeNoneOther : // This next string is from the ViRuZ MaFiA db. For some reason there's an alternate copy named likenoneother.sql. ~ staff
(58, 'oB DDoS', '389a7b4aac6edce86b4c149ec17984d7', 'IlbTvqWv', 'qm4cR9Hj5VbRhmHQg49b5IDTpTPjIBZDAsRWAJSJVWkDkgZiHH', '', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, NULL, 0, NULL, 1305176725, 1305196274, 1305191206, 1305179466, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'all', NULL, 1, 1, 2, 0, 1, 0, 2, 1, 'linear', 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, 8, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, 3, 0, 0, 0, NULL, '1**$%%$2**$%%$3**$%%$4**', NULL, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 1287407641, -954498747, 'english', 3521, 1, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, NULL, 2, 0)
Skype Karma.yBz
AIM theyeslol

(Current): AdR KaRMa
Bradley Ray Whitten
Address :696 Winesap Rd Amherst, OH 44001
Phone number (440) 985-1998
SSN Proof:
Address history
3100 New York Dr #100, Pasadena, CA 91107
747 Terra Ln, Amherst, OH 44001
000696 Winesap Rd, Amherst, OH 44001
6123 Dewey Rd #55, Amherst, OH 44001
Reported Phone numbers
(440) 263-7089
(440) 985-1998
(216) 988-8078
Works at : Compucad Computer Consultants, Amherst OH
747 TERRA LN , Amherst, Ohio, United States
Work Phone Number: (440) 985-1998
Debra Marie Whitten
Address: 696 Winesap Rd Amherst, OH 44001


"The House Always Wins"