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|                                                                  https://discord.gg/f3PKNHuxHz                                                              |
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|                                                                Dox Made By Tyr And Hoax.                                                                    |
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| ____________________________________________________________________  Welcome to the introduction!  _______________________________________________________ |                                                                                                                                                           
|                                              So hey. We missed yall fr fr. So today we are gonna talk about Vuxaer AKA Luka                                 |
|                                             This man is fr the most Fuckboy person on the internet, man be showing his abs to egirls bro... LOLOL.          | 
|                                               (Even democrise has finer abs ongod.) Today we are gonna expose him cuh fuck the guy.                         |
|                                                       He thought he couldnt get doxxed, well. aight here we go, enjoy !!!!!!!                               |
|                                                    Oh and Luka, gtfo with ur fuckboy haircut type of shit, this shits WEIRD LOL                             |                                                                                 
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|                                - Full Name: Luka Verlaan                                                                                                    |                          
|                                - Age: 16                                                                                                                    |
|                                - Adress: Aatstraat 67, Ronse, Belgium.  ( PROOF: https://anonfiles.com/L2e4d7sbye/Luka_Addy_PNG )                           |                         
|                                - Phone: +32 492563985                                                                                                       |
|                                - IP:                                                                                                    |                              
|                                - School: Katholiek Onderwijs Ronse - Campus Glorieux Secundair                                                              |
|                                                                                                                                                             |                 
| __________________________________________________________________  Social Media!  ________________________________________________________________________ |                                                                                                                                             
|                                                                                                                                                             |         
|                               - Snapchat: @luka_vln                                                                                                         |
|                               - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/luka.vln/                                                                              |
|                               - Discord: luka.#5480                                                                                                         |
|                               - Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@luka_vxn                                                                                    |  
|                               - EpicGames: Vuxaer                                                                                                           |
|                               - Playstation: Verlann__                                                                                                      |
|                               - Steam: Verlann                                                                                                              |
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|                                                           the biggest fuckboy incoming:                                                                     |
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|                               - https://anonfiles.com/p5R8ces1y2/Luka_1_PNG                                                                                 |
|                               - https://anonfiles.com/Z3Qecesfyc/Luka_2_PNG                                                                                 |
|                               - https://anonfiles.com/n2Racas0y2/Luka_3_PNG                                                                                 |
|                               - https://anonfiles.com/b7R0casfy5/Luka_4_PNG                                                                                 |
|                               - https://anonfiles.com/deRfc4s6yf/Luka_5_PNG                                                                                 |
|                               - https://anonfiles.com/fdR8cfsayc/Luka_6_PNG                                                                                 |
|                               - https://anonfiles.com/h7R4cbsey1/Luka_7_PNG                                                                                 |
|                               - https://anonfiles.com/l3Rbc6s8y5/Luka_8_PNG                                                                                 |
|                               - https://anonfiles.com/j1R6c0s6yd/Luka_9_PNG                                                                                 |
|                               - https://anonfiles.com/V8Qfccsdyf/Luka_10_PNG                                                                                |
|                               - https://anonfiles.com/P8Q5c9say1/Luka_11_PNG                                                                                |
|                               - https://anonfiles.com/R4Q6c4s3yd/Luka_12_PNG                                                                                |
|                               - https://anonfiles.com/X1Qecfsfy0/Luka_13_PNG                                                                                |
|                               - https://anonfiles.com/NaQac6s4y7/Luka_14_PNG                                                                                |
|                               - https://anonfiles.com/70T3dfsay4/Luka_15_PNG                                                                                |
|                               - https://anonfiles.com/H3T4d9say0/Luka_16_PNG                                                                                |
|                               - https://anonfiles.com/B5T5d1sey0/Luka_17_PNG                                                                                |
|                               - https://anonfiles.com/DbT1d3s4yc/Luka_Abs_PNG     WTF LOL                                                                   |
|                               - https://anonfiles.com/98Ted7s7yc/Luka_Abs_2_PNG   WTF LOL                                                                   |
|                               - https://anonfiles.com/F6Tfdds3yf/Luka_Arms_PNG  WTFFFFFFFFFFFF                                                              |
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|                               - Oh and wtf LOL: https://streamable.com/8ti97x                                                                               |
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|                                              MAN................                                                                                            |
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█████╗                                         Hope yall enjoyed!! https://discord.gg/f3PKNHuxHz                                                          █████╗
╚════╝                                                  Our discord! (Other was termed) :)                                                                ╚════╝
█████╗                                                      tyr#0795 And Hoax#2022                                                                        █████╗
╚════╝                                                          Made this dox                                                                             ╚════╝                                                                                                                                                                 