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????????????????????????: Today, we are going to explore the life of a degenerative Black Ops 4 player, Voxims aka Sean Joseph McCool, a 23-year old, unemployed Irish citizen who lives on benefits, 
and is known in the community as being the biggest "cod faggot" ever, he also earned the title of the most obese Black Ops 4 player, weighing in at around 140kg, and destroying the 
scale in the process. This guy gets his joy from hunting high players while using cheap guns (hades and micro) to annoy these players, until they get off the game or quit 
entirely. Due to him being Irish, he failed his "Leaving Certificates" (SATs) and his mother had to take a second working at Greggs to provide for their family, because his father 
left him at quite a young age. This caused him to become highly racist and Islamophobic, and develop a huge alcohol abuse issue, which caused him to assault multiple women, physically 
and psychologically. He spreads his, "Neo Nazi" propaganda in every PlayStation group chat he joins or is invited too, claims to be harmful, but is the furthest thing from it. He also 
loves impersonating people in the community. Voxims also baby rages when he loses and makes up excuses for him being shit at the game, and spreads fake rumors about people, because of 
his own insecurities. Eat shit Voxims, you cried when we hit you off for 10 seconds, and begged us to stop. Then pretended it didn't phase you. Maybe next time, don't be a prick to people.
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  »  Name: Sean Joseph McCool
      »  "Voxims, sean1lyy, zseanyyy, wseah, sean1lyy.air, YT-Sean_Mc_cool",
  »  Age: 23
  »  [DOB] Date of Birth: 19/12/1999 (DD/MM/YYYY)
  »  Location of Birth:	Dury, Northen Ireland
  »  Nationality: Irish
  »  Gender: Male
  »  Weight: ~ 140kg (309lbs)
  »  Height: 5ft 9in

|  |██░[ ???????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ]░██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████░ 
  »  [ISP] Internet Service Provider:  British Telecommunications PLC
  »  ASN: 2856
  »  Mobile Phone Number: +353-x-xxx-xx99
  »  Home Address: 39 Inishowen Gardens (old) | 2 Ardfoyle (new)
      »  Postal Code: BT48 9NW (old) | BT48 6NJ (new)
  »  Email Address: ch************ 
  »  Internet Protocol v4/ IPv6:

|  |██░[ ???????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????? ]░██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████░ 
[Voxims] Work Name: Unemployed
  »  Work Address: Unemployed
  »  Work Website: Unemployed
  »  Work Phone Number: Unemployed
|  |██░[ ???????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????? ]░██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████░ 
➤ [] Name: Mary McCool (Grandmother)
  »  [DOB] Date of Birth: 08/10/1969
  »  Age: 53
  »  Additional Information
  ➣ Age: Too old to figure out how to use the internet
➤ [] Name: Osin McCool (Sibling or Cousin)
  »  [DOB] Date of Birth: 27/04/2007
  »  Age: 15
  »  Additional Information
  ➣ Robloxian: Plays Roblox religiously lmao
➤ [] Name: Sorcha McCool (Mother)
  »  [DOB] Date of Birth: 15/01/1976
  »  Age: 46
  »  Additional Information
  ➣ Unstable job: Works at Tescos, as a customer advisory agent and Greggs. Last I heard Tesco, was going to have a huge layoff soon :) (
|  |██░[ ???????????????????? ]░██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████░ 
➤ [] Links:
  » (very funny video of voxims, getting fucked in bo4)
  » (voxims house speedrun TAS WR very fast!)
  » (voxims full video dox thing meme)