»> IGN: witch 
"> FULL NAME: Nikolaeva Violetta Stanislavovna 
»> Date of birth: 12/15/2003 (17 years old) 
»> Number: +38 (066) 040-46-76 
»> mail: rescueminisrtyy@gmail.com 
»> ip: 87.182.119.*** 
»> password: jjkl.vetta17 
»> Place of birth: Odessa (Ukraine)

"> place of residence: 72/2 Koroleva str. 
»> Education: National Law Institute 
»> VK page[basis] - https://vk.com/rescueministryy 
»> Instagram: sallylevany 
»> Telegram: @jxllxiw 

— Mother: https://vk.com/id581656767 
— FULL NAME: Nikolaeva Valentina Vladislavovna

— VK page[1] - https://vk.com/id581656767 
— Place of birth: Odessa

— Place of actual residence:
72/2 Koroleva str. 
— Number: + 380 (67) 198 67 **

— Date of birth: 08/14/1981 (40 years old) 
— Father: 
— FULL NAME: Nikolaev Stanislav Olegovich

— Place of birth: Odessa

— Place of actual residence: 72/2 Koroleva str. 
— Date of birth: 01.08.1976 (45 years old)