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                                                                                                               EW:        ,ft                                         f#i              E###G.      
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                                                              .DL                               ;W,             E###t      t#E             ,;;L#K;;.                i#W,                E#t t##L    
                                                      f.     :K#L     LWL                      j##,             E#fE#f     t#E                t#E                  L#D.                 E#t  .E#K,  
                                                      EW:   ;W##L   .E#f                      G###,             E#t D#G    t#E                t#E                :K#Wfff;               E#t    j##f 
                                                      E#t  t#KE#L  ,W#;                     :E####,             E#t  f#E.  t#E                t#E                i##WLLLLt              E#t    :E#K:
                                                      E#t f#D.L#L t#K:                     ;W#DG##,             E#t   t#K: t#E                t#E                 .E#L                  E#t   t##L  
                                                      E#jG#f  L#LL#G                      j###DW##,             E#t    ;#W,t#E                t#E                   f#E:                E#t .D#W;   
                                                      E###;   L###j                      G##i,,G##,             E#t     :K#D#E                t#E                    ,WW;               E#tiW#G.    
                                                      E#K:    L#W;                     :K#K:   L##,             E#t      .E##E                t#E                     .D#;              E#K##i      
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                                                      ;       ;@                      ,,,      .,,                          fE                  :                                       E#t         
                                                                                                                             ,                                                          L:       
                                                                                          If it's looks terrible, open this paste in your favorite text-editor   
                                   █  ██ Introduction   ██ ║ ██                                                      [ D-W Reason ]                                                              ██ ║  0x00  ║  ██  █
                                   Xu Zhihui and Wang Chaoyi the China residents, that made a "Online Auto Feed Dispensing" for cats, when someone donating a random sum for Xu Zhihui, OUFD will dispense some feed
                                                                       for cats. After that popularity in Tik Tok, they catched all the cats in a box and cut off them their paws.
                                   █  ██ Personal Id    ██ ║ ██                                                        [ exOnion ]                                                               ██ ║  0x01  ║  ██  █
                                              __________                                              .__       .___     .___                __   .__   _____ .__                  __   .__                  
                                              \______   \  ____ _______  ______ ____    ____  _____   |  |      |   |  __| _/ ____    ____ _/  |_ |__|_/ ____\|__|  ____  _____  _/  |_ |__|  ____    ____   
                                               |     ___/_/ __ \\_  __ \/  ___//  _ \  /    \ \__  \  |  |      |   | / __ |_/ __ \  /    \\   __\|  |\   __\ |  |_/ ___\ \__  \ \   __\|  | /  _ \  /    \  
                                               |    |    \  ___/ |  | \/\___ \(  <_> )|   |  \ / __ \_|  |__    |   |/ /_/ |\  ___/ |   |  \|  |  |  | |  |   |  |\  \___  / __ \_|  |  |  |(  <_> )|   |  \ 
                                               |____|     \___  >|__|  /____  >\____/ |___|  /(____  /|____/    |___|\____ | \___  >|___|  /|__|  |__| |__|   |__| \___  >(____  /|__|  |__| \____/ |___|  / 
                                                              \/            \/             \/      \/                     \/     \/      \/                            \/      \/                        \/  
                                                            Basic Info
                                                            | Aliases : "Cat Addiction Therapist" (Telegram)
                                                            | Real Name : Wang Chayoi
                                                            | Gender : Male (After that incident - girl)
                                                            └ Age : Unknown

                                                            | Latitude : 26.061881
                                                            | Longtitude : 119.306274
                                                            └ Address : China, Fujian, Fuzhou St., Taijiang District, 茶亭邮政编码: 350004

                                                            Phone Number
                                                            | Virtual Number : EX
                                                            └ Real Number : +86-591-83309761

                                   █  ██ Parent's info  ██ ║ ██                                                        [ exOnion ]                                                               ██ ║  0x02  ║  ██  █

                                                           __________                                 __  /\          .___          _____                                __   .__                  
                                                           \______   \_____  _______   ____    ____ _/  |_\(______    |   |  ____ _/ ____\____ _______   _____  _____  _/  |_ |__|  ____    ____   
                                                            |     ___/\__  \ \_  __ \_/ __ \  /    \\   __\/  ___/    |   | /    \\   __\/  _ \\_  __ \ /     \ \__  \ \   __\|  | /  _ \  /    \  
                                                            |    |     / __ \_|  | \/\  ___/ |   |  \|  |  \___ \     |   ||   |  \|  | (  <_> )|  | \/|  Y Y  \ / __ \_|  |  |  |(  <_> )|   |  \ 
                                                            |____|    (____  /|__|    \___  >|___|  /|__| /____  >    |___||___|  /|__|  \____/ |__|   |__|_|  /(____  /|__|  |__| \____/ |___|  / 
                                                                           \/             \/      \/           \/               \/                           \/      \/                        \/  
                                                            Father Basic Info
                                                            | Aliases : EX
                                                            | Real Name : EX
                                                            └ Age : EX

                                                            Phone Numbers
                                                            └ EX

                                                            Mother Basic Info
                                                            | Aliases : EX
                                                            | Real Name : EX
                                                            └ Age : EX

                                                            Phone Numbers 
                                                            └ EX

                                   █  ██ House info     ██ ║ ██                                                        [ exOnion ]                                                               ██ ║  0x03  ║  ██  █
                                                                      ___ ___                                    .___          _____                         __   .__                  
                                                                     /   |   \   ____   __ __  ______  ____      |   |  ____ _/ ____\____    _____  _____  _/  |_ |__|  ____    ____   
                                                                    /    ~    \ /  _ \ |  |  \/  ___/_/ __ \     |   | /    \\   __\/  _ \  /     \ \__  \ \   __\|  | /  _ \  /    \  
                                                                    \    Y    /(  <_> )|  |  /\___ \ \  ___/     |   ||   |  \|  | (  <_> )|  Y Y  \ / __ \_|  |  |  |(  <_> )|   |  \ 
                                                                      \___|_  /  \____/ |____//____  > \___  >   |___||___|  /|__|  \____/ |__|_|  /(____  /|__|  |__| \____/ |___|  / 
                                                                           \/                     \/      \/               \/                    \/      \/                        \/  

                                                            House type
                                                            └ Apartamental
                                                            └ 04

                                                            └ Fuzhou Street

                                   █  ██ IP-add. info   ██ ║ ██                                                        [ exOnion ]                                                               ██ ║  0x04  ║  ██  █
                                              .___ __________          _____       .___   .___                                    .___          _____                                __   .__                  
                                              |   |\______   \        /  _  \    __| _/ __| _/_______   ____    ______  ______    |   |  ____ _/ ____\____ _______   _____  _____  _/  |_ |__|  ____    ____   
                                              |   | |     ___/______ /  /_\  \  / __ | / __ | \_  __ \_/ __ \  /  ___/ /  ___/    |   | /    \\   __\/  _ \\_  __ \ /     \ \__  \ \   __\|  | /  _ \  /    \  
                                              |   | |    |   /_____//    |    \/ /_/ |/ /_/ |  |  | \/\  ___/  \___ \  \___ \     |   ||   |  \|  | (  <_> )|  | \/|  Y Y  \ / __ \_|  |  |  |(  <_> )|   |  \ 
                                              |___| |____|          \____|__  /\____ |\____ |  |__|    \___  >/____  >/____  >    |___||___|  /|__|  \____/ |__|   |__|_|  /(____  /|__|  |__| \____/ |___|  / 
                                                                            \/      \/     \/              \/      \/      \/               \/                           \/      \/                        \/  

                                                          IP Info
                                                            | as(-n): " AS58519 CCC",
                                                            | provider: "Cloud Computing Corporation",
                                                            | domain: "EX",
                                                            └ service: "CHINATELECOM-Ctcloud",

                                                              ISP Info 
                                                              | address: "No.31 ,jingrong street,beijing",
                                                              | country: "China",
                                                              | email: "fjnic@fjdcb.fz.fj.cn",
                                                              | name: "Cloud Computing Corporation",
                                                              | network: "58519",
                                                              └ phone: "+86-591-83371954",
                                   █  ██ Social Media   ██ ║ ██                                                        [ exOnion ]                                                               ██ ║  0x05  ║  ██  █
                                         _________                .__         .__          _____               .___.__             .___          _____                                __   .__                  
                                        /   _____/  ____    ____  |__|_____   |  |        /     \    ____    __| _/|__|_____       |   |  ____ _/ ____\____ _______   _____  _____  _/  |_ |__|  ____    ____   
                                         \_____  \  /  _ \ _/ ___\ |  |\__  \  |  |       /  \ /  \ _/ __ \  / __ | |  |\__  \      |   | /    \\   __\/  _ \\_  __ \ /     \ \__  \ \   __\|  | /  _ \  /    \  
                                         /        \(  <_> )\  \___ |  | / __ \_|  |__    /    Y    \\  ___/ / /_/ | |  | / __ \_    |   ||   |  \|  | (  <_> )|  | \/|  Y Y  \ / __ \_|  |  |  |(  <_> )|   |  \ 
                                        /_______  / \____/  \___  >|__|(____  /|____/    \____|__  / \___  >\____ | |__|(____  /    |___||___|  /|__|  \____/ |__|   |__|_|  /(____  /|__|  |__| \____/ |___|  / 
                                                \/              \/          \/                   \/      \/      \/          \/               \/                           \/      \/                        \/  

                                                            └ EX 
                                                            └ DELETED ACCOUNT ID - 1311396190 (NUMBER - +86-591-83309761)

                                                            └ EX

                                   █  ██ Extra info     ██ ║ ██                                                        [ exOnion ]                                                               ██ ║  0x06  ║  ██  █
                                                                ___________          __                       .___          _____                                __   .__                  
                                                                \_   _____/___  ____/  |_ _______ _____       |   |  ____ _/ ____\____ _______   _____  _____  _/  |_ |__|  ____    ____   
                                                                 |    __)_ \  \/  /\   __\\_  __ \\__  \      |   | /    \\   __\/  _ \\_  __ \ /     \ \__  \ \   __\|  | /  _ \  /    \  
                                                                 |        \ >    <  |  |   |  | \/ / __ \_    |   ||   |  \|  | (  <_> )|  | \/|  Y Y  \ / __ \_|  |  |  |(  <_> )|   |  \ 
                                                                /_______  //__/\_ \ |__|   |__|   (____  /    |___||___|  /|__|  \____/ |__|   |__|_|  /(____  /|__|  |__| \____/ |___|  / 
                                                                        \/       \/                    \/               \/                           \/      \/                        \/  
                                                            Creators Of Dox
                                                            | th3p1xyyxqw :: https://t.me/th3p1xyyxqw = {exOnion Owner} [Main Doxer]
                                                            | IIcux :: ??? = [Main Doxer]
                                                            └ Text :: https://t.me/Text_da = [IP-Address Maker]

                                                            Format from 
                                                            └ IIcux
                                                            exOnion Studios
                                                            └ https://t.me/exOnion
                                                              └ exOnion Services
                                                                 └ Check our services in https://t.me/th3p1xyyxqwservices