                    |           >[Table Of Contents]<           |
                    | →0x01 Introduction........................|
                    | →0x02 Basic Information...................|
                    | →0x03 Family Information..................|
                    | →0x04 Social Media Platforms..............|
                    | →0x05 IP Information......................|
                    | →0x06 House Information...................|
                    | →0x07 Credits & Links.....................|

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                    |           0x01 >[Introduction:]<          | 
                  ↪  Trying to meet with a 15 Year old boy
                  ↪  https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMZBc2XZNnBx0LWOPxDcWhoRv6yb8QUbU7kWwoAIO_6QHKethj0WTKq50vQFn7lyA?key=cGtOcTc0VnIxenB6UHlaSlp5LTlpWWFTODhYdXpR
                  ↪  Proof Above - There is pictures so be aware

                    |        0x02 >[Basic Information:]<        | 

                 ♚ Alias(s)............... Zack A Blihar - Zac Blihar
                 ♚ Full Name.............. Zachary Blihar
                 ♚ Address................ 602 E Union St Tamaqua, PA 18252
                 ♚ Age.................... 36
                 ♚ Occupation............. https://clubs.nasef.org/club/tamaqua-area-high-school - Tamaqua Area School District System Administrator
                 ♚ PhoneNumber............ (570) 778-8090
                 ♚ DOB.................... 10/3/1984
                 ♚ Relationship Status.... Single

                    |           0x04 >[Social Media:]<          |
                 ♚ Linkden................ https://www.linkedin.com/in/zacharyblihar
                 ♚ Pintrest............... https://cz.pinterest.com/zacblihar/
                 ♚ YouTube................ https://www.youtube.com/user/zbnx01/videos
                 ♚ Twitter................ https://twitter.com/zbnx01?lang=en
                                           ↪ News: https://www.wfmz.com/sports/tamaqua-esports-team-to-compete-in-national-playoff/article_bdf118fe-af88-11eb-835c-4326b3f6b5ad.html

                    |        0x03 >[Family Information:]<       | 
                 ♚ Name................... https://www.tributearchive.com/obituaries/1692033/Jacqueline-A-Motz

                   |         0x07 >[Credits & Links:]<         | 
                 ♚ https://instagram.com/4biddenlegion (Format)
                 ♚ https://doxbin.org/user/4biddenlegion (info)