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Zooted or Tobias

Reason - He is an wannabe hacker/doxer that thinks pulling up an dox that someone else made is him doxing. He was also echeating on his egirl with my cf account named miah. The dox in the screenshots "NUDESLEAKEDMAIH' was posted by me to make people add my cf account. 

(I could def SE him more but hes not worth my new years <3) Short Paste Sorry.


Images - 

I think hes harmful because he has doxbin links in his about me... shiver me timbers - https://imgur.com/rhkE9jm

He thinks him doxxing is pulling up a dox that someone else made - https://imgur.com/yJf11kH / https://imgur.com/a/Luv7OzL

Embarrassing.. - https://imgur.com/a/kvBAUNa

Someone tell his egirl hes echeating... - shes added on roblox but i cant find her discord and she wont add me back on tiktok - https://imgur.com/a/YvJgWz3

Wait whose the weirdo? if "A" is your sister why is she "fine"? - https://imgur.com/a/VVrunck / https://imgur.com/rhkE9jm

Age - 17
Race - Mixed with White and Black
Timezone - Central European Time (CET)


Socials - Harrass this nigga

Phone Numer - +45 25564410

Discord - Zooted#7142(ID:954322545203634257)

Doxbin Alias - https://doxbin.com/user/Zooted2famous

Snapchat - Tobias01671

Roblox - https://www.roblox.com/users/200672843/profile / @Zelurz / AmeliaJr

Tiktok - https://www.tiktok.com/@zenkiis / Zen


Address - Møllevej 25, 4262 Sandved, Denmark

House Details - 

Latest assessment: DKK 10,400,000 .
Latest sale price: DKK 11,300,000 .
M² price: DKK 66,081 .

Most recent renovation year
Not informed
Number of floors and floors
1 plane -
Number of toilets
Heating installation:
Central heating with one heating unit
Outer walls
Measured area:
179.8 m²
Roof type

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