*NOTE* this is just a quick gathering of info that i got within about 10 minutes with some given info from a source.

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root@deprive:~# "Intellectuals solve problems, geniuses prevent them"

#              Table Of Contents             #
#                                            #
#    0x01 ~ Reason.................          #
#    0x02 ~ Basic Information......          #
#    0x03 ~ Family information.....          #
#    0x04 ~ Social Media...........          #
#    0x05 ~ Credits................          #

┼ 0x01 ~ The Reason............... ┼

# Being a bitch ass nigga

┼ 0x02 ~ Basic Information........ ┼

# Full Name ~ Ahmed Ben Ibrahim Ben Abdullah Al-Kalaf
# Alias(s) ~ Zw0v
# Email(s) ~ ahmed12311569@gmail.com, zeroone12311569@gmail.com, anime12311569@gmail.com
# Common Password(s) ~ 1234321
# Cell ~ +966 58 291 3770
# Address ~ Qatif, Saudi Arabia (cba to find exact address)
# Passport ~ https://prnt.sc/rucgfq
# Age ~ 19-20
# Pictures of the victim ~ https://prnt.sc/rucg2d, https://prnt.sc/ruclpd

┼ 0x03 ~ Family Information....... ┼

# (!) Victim's Father (!)

# Full Name ~ Khalid Al-Qalaf
# Pictures ~ https://prnt.sc/rucx0q

# (!) Victim's Brother (!)

# Full Name ~ Ali Al-Qalaf
# Pictures ~ https://prnt.sc/rucxr6


┼ 0x04 ~ Social Media............. ┼

# Facebook ~ https://www.facebook.com/ahmed.alqlaf.7
# Twitter ~ https://twitter.com/Zw0v_
# Instagram ~ https://www.instagram.com/phyz/, https://www.instagram.com/zw0v/
# Snapchat ~ https://www.snapchat.com/add/u9t9b
# Discord ~ https://discordapp.com/invite/zw0v, Zw0v#0123
# NameMC ~ https://namemc.com/profile/Zw0v.1
# Steam ~ https://steamcommunity.com/id/zw0v/
# Mixer ~ https://mixer.com/zw0v

┼ 0x05 ~ Credits.................. ┼

# deprive

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