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hes just annoying + he thinks he can do whatever he wants + keeps annoying me and my friends

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full name - abdul sahed
alias - idk his tiktok cuz i banned it
location - Aalbersestraat 3, 9602 TB Hoogezand
school - dr. Aletta Jacobs College Laan van de Sport 4, 9603 TG Hoogezand
school phone number - 0598350250 (get him suspended lmao)
school website - http://www.aletta.nl/

---------moms info---------
last name - sahed
address - Aalbersestraat 3, 9602 TB Hoogezand

---------dads info---------
last name - sahed
address - Aalbersestraat 3, 9602 TB Hoogezand

---------brothers info---------
he has 3 brother doxxing them all

first brother

full name - talah sahed
age - 18
address - Aalbersestraat 3, 9602 TB Hoogezand

---------brother info---------
this is his second brother

full name - bilal sahed
age - 19
address - Aalbersestraat 3, 9602 TB Hoogezand

---------brother info---------
this is his last brother

full name - isa sahed
address - Aalbersestraat 3, 9602 TB Hoogezand


current girlfriend - a irl pillow
ex - doesnt have a ex cuz his long ass nose LMAO
if ur seeing this abdul u dont own the world okay long nose stfu cuz i run you