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[?] why i doxxed this random
+                   HE A PEDO  ;(                   +
                 [!] personal info
[+] Full name: Nathaniel Paul Gonzalez
[+] Age: 18 (becomes 19 in 2020)
[+] Email: Nathaniel.gonzalez1219@gmail.com 
[+] Email 2: nanotech6100@gmail.com
[+] Address: 710 Continental Dr Apt 1, Brownsville, Tx, 78520 
[+] School Number: (956)548-7700
[+] School Website: http://www.bisd.us/pace/
[+] Face pic: https://files.catbox.moe/u07iow.png | Mirror: https://archive.md/VnGhX
[+] Wants to join the military after high school
[+] Owner of the imageboard Freech.net, used to own 32chan (32ch.org)
[+] Is a crossdresser, pics:
[+] https://files.catbox.moe/ubnfrt.png | Mirror: https://archive.md/HO48W
[+] https://files.catbox.moe/8y7xrn.jpg | Mirror: https://archive.md/wip/v24WX
[+] https://files.catbox.moe/uynzwa.jpg | Mirror: https://archive.md/wip/VGpmj
[+] Skype: live:nanotech6100
[+] nanotech61001
[+] nanotechz1
[+] nanotech6100
[+] Gitgud account: https://gitgud.io/freech
[+] IPs:,, (Probably VPNs) 
[+] Username: nanotech
[+] Penis size: 5 inches (dickpic, posted on discord: https://files.catbox.moe/mwdtyt.png | Mirror: https://archive.md/eVhTS )
[+] Current discord accounts: Candy Kitten#1790 nanotech#4479
[+] Sexuality: Faggot/Straight < Bisex 
                   [!] girlfriend
[+] Ex girlfriend who cucked and dumped him:
[+] Kara Gilmer (age 15, becomes 16 in 2020)
[+] Twitter: @firestickz
[+] Facebook: https://facebook.com/SatyrnRose
[+] Her mom's Facebook: https://facebook.com/cherie.mustoe
[+] Pics:
https://files.catbox.moe/rv74zj.png | Mirror: https://archive.md/iNcSi
https://files.catbox.moe/dgazg9.png | Mirror: https://archive.md/WhRu1
https://files.catbox.moe/lplyw2.png | Mirror: https://archive.md/99bIo
https://files.catbox.moe/dq9iwa.jpg | Mirror: https://archive.md/TTOph
Nathaniel and Kara in a discord chat together: https://files.catbox.moe/ueg0p4.jpg | Mirror: https://archive.md/Y67sK
[+] Current girlfriend's name: Amanda (17 years old, becomes 18 in 2020)
[+] Current girlfriend's number: +1 210 399 3406
[+] Pic:
https://files.catbox.moe/ihxyod.png | Mirror: https://archive.md/4C9Az
               [!] grabdma and grandpa
[+] Grandma's name: Veronica Sue Owen 
[+] Grandpa's name: Rolland Hayward Owen Jr.
[+] Address: 710 Continental Dr Apt 1, Brownsville, Tx, 78520
[+] Nanotech lives with his grandparents
            [!] brother and sister
[+] Brothers:  Oscar, Brandon 
Close friends on discord: Flanoincompzampher/Missouri (his buttbuddy Yozam), dark0 (a pedophile)
[+] VPN (no idea which one) account:
[+] Username: p5392054 
[+] Password: 9w9dTrsrdgL'[%^S
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢠⡏⣸⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠃⠀⠀⠀⢳      fuck pedo          