name : alex country : us state : texas city : winters age : 15 hobbies : like food, gaming, chatting has a dog and a playstation 4 hes looking for a gf hes ugly ass wont be able to get one psn user : user random_hogrider origins : mexican american father : was in military mom : devorced with dad phone number : 9566036260 TimeZone: America/Chicago ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code: US Country code: +1 zip code : 79567 discord user : Pickle1#6746 discord id : 759124037724667914 face pic : _.-**-._ _,( ),_ .-" '-^----' "-. doxxed by grim and Z1m0.Sm .-' '-. .' '. .' __.--**'""""""'**--.__ '. /_.-*"'__.--**'""""""'**--.__'"*-._\ /_..-*"' .-*"*-. .-*"*-. '"*-.._\ : / ;: \ ; : : * !! * : ; \ '. .' '. .' / \ '-.-' '-.-' / .-*''. .'-. .-' '. .' '. : '-. _.._ .-' '._ ;"*-._ '-._ --___ ` _.-' _.*' '*. : '. `"*-.__.-*"` ( : ; ; *| '-. ; '---*' | ""--' : *| : '. | .' '.._ *| ____----.._-' \ """----_____------'-----""" / \ __..-------.._ ___..---._ / :'" '-..--'' "'; '""""""""""""""""' '"""""""""""""""'