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                         cami is a egirl that has a high ego, she ego's everyone saying "who are you" ill get a doxer on you"

                         yes i know its pretty stupid how she thinks shes the shit when we shes a pedophile she was flirting 

                         wit my friend dead net/goonie katana and my other friend kid wenxo/cuku which is very weird because

                         kid wenxo and goonie katana are 12 years old and cami is 15 and cami would also dick rides them too
                         she would say stuff like "i'm going to get kid wenxo on you"/"kid wenxo would pack you." yes i know 
                         its very stupid, shes a com girl wannabe/com reject, nobody is cool w her nobody likes her, and her 

                         little friends are a bunch of losers that cant stand up for her, she is also a pass around and gets
                         abused and bullied at school so she takes her anger out online she also got cheated on by hella ppl

                         like satan/goonie apology, KASHH, me, and hella more people, she goes around and tries to look for 

                         discord packers like Birus, Nesper, Yercy, Goonie Apology, Goonie Katana, KASHH, warski, and kayski

                         she dated all of them in 1 month which is pretty sad, she also claims she doxes but has the worst damn

                         tools on planet Earth. Also cami i know your seeing this trust me nobody likes you and you get used.

                                            weak tool she uses: https://www.whitepages.com/

                                            Photos of her: https://imgur.com/a/JSfv1Gu

                                            Photos of her thigh: https://imgur.com/a/S5MGmNr

[  Personal Information                                                                                                                                  Camila ]

                                » Name: Camila
                                » Age: 17
                                » Sex: female
                                » VPN: None
                                » IP Address:
                                » City: Hornsby (Suburb of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia)
                                ⤷ Info about Hornsby: Hornsby is a suburb in the Northern Sydney
                                   ⤷ region, or Upper North Shore of Sydney in the state of New South
                                   ⤷ Wales, Australia, approximately 23 kilometres north-west of the 
                                   ⤷ Sydney central business district.
                                » Population: 22,462 
                                » State: New South Wales
                                » Postal Code: 2077
                                » Country: Australia
                                » Vocus Pty Ltd
                                » Domain: dodo.net.au
                                » Connection Type: WiFi 
                                » Continent: Oceania (OC)
                                » Oceania Area: 8,525,3989 km² (3,291,903 square miles)
                                » Oceania Density: 4.19 per km² (10.9 per square mile)
                                » Oceania Population: 42 million (the sixth largest population) - 0.54%
                                » Oceania Life Expectancy: 81 years females & 76 years males
                                » National Motto: Advance Australia (formerly)
                                » Anthem: Advance Australia Fair (adopted 1984)
                                » Capital: Canberra
                                » ISP / Organization: Vocus Retail
                                » AS Number: AS9443 Vocus Retail                       
                                » IP Weather Station: Sydney
                                » Sky: clear sky
                                » Temp: 11.1 ℃ (max 12.4 ℃ / min 9.3 ℃)
                                » Wind Speed: 4.6 m/s
                                » Wind Direction: 320.0°
                                » Humidity: 72%
                                » Cloudiness: 0%
                                » Atmospheric pressure: 1027 kPa
                                » Time Zone: Australia/Sydney
                                » Timezone GMT offset: 7200
                                » Sunrise / Sunset: 22:46 / 08:57
                                » Continent Latitude/Longitude: -18.3127 / 138.515
                                » Country Latitude/Longitude: -25 / 135
                                » City Latitude/Longitude: (-33.8715) / (151.2006)
                                » Language: English
                                » Speed: Broadband/Cable/Fiber/DSL Internet Speed
                                » Proof its her IP: 
                                  ⤷ https://imgur.com/a/IrKRaz7https://imgur.com/a/gBDgS1a
                                » Currency: Australian dollar (AUD)
                                » IDD Code: +61

[  Social Media                                                                                                                                          Camila ]

                               » Discord: cami*#0606
                               » Discord USER ID: 1103744173720490156
                               » Her BF's Discord: Yensai#1069
                               » Her BF's Discord USER ID: 998057972922069035
                               » Instagram: camiilaaa444
                               » Tiktok: frk4yb
                               » Roblox: frk4yb
                               » Doxbin: k4k
                               » Her other Doxbin acc: npv (which is owned by yellside now)
[  Embarrassing messages                                                                                                                                 Camila ]

» Embarrassing photos: 
  ⤷ https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1078704396080271402/1110713737805037650/48D72AEC-E687-465A-B265-69DCB4F231EE.jpg?width=1080&height=186https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1078704396080271402/1110713763021213726/4709993A-12C5-4B39-BC28-4A2F110C6CFC.jpg

[ Camila being a pedophile                                                                                                                               Camila ]
 » Photo of her flirting wit dead net (dead net is 12): 
   ⤷ https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1078704396080271402/1110712874101379102/image.png?width=621&height=517https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1078704396080271402/1110712874407571546/image.png?width=499&height=517

[ Claud#7951                                                                                                                                             Camila ]
 » Her friend begging to vc with me
    ⤷ https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1078704396080271402/1110713197264117840/D7F51104-88A4-4AFA-BC10-50F69F37527A.png?width=239&height=517

[ Her friends discords                                                                                                                                   Camila ]

» Discord: JY#0650
» Discord USER ID: 732743496162869318
» Name: Kyle
» Age: 18
» State: Ohio
» Sex: Male
» Discord: Claud#7951
» Discord USER ID: 1087698605252546630
» Discord: Yercy#0001
» Discord: USER ID: 965030132223995934
» Discord: AYSKI#0001
» Discord USER ID: 1011330547244617828


This is the end of the dox, im gonna keep on updating her info soon.

anyways peace out, if you have a question contact me.
⤷ t.me/funeralized/slithill#0001



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