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Hi hackers 
                                              Harmless larp but also is a mentally illed larp who was in a mental home for 2 years and 
                                              made a girl kill herself cant say that hes too proud of that.. also a complete weirdo
                                              who has been edating for about 2 years now and 17 with no source of income LOL

                                                              - Celtic meme collection -
                                                              https://z.zz.fo/wb9pV.png (his sister) 

Edit on the dox celtic admitted it was real here

 [                                                           ALIASES / PSUEDONYMS                                                                ]
                Alias(s):									Psyedonyms:
		Celtic (Most recent)								Keagen

 [                                                           BASIC INFORMATION                                                                   ]

Name: Keagan Compton
Age: 17
location: whiteney TX

Address: 105 Wharf St Whitney TX 76692

Ethnicity: white

Irl: https://z.zz.fo/pj7r5.png

 [                                                           HOME INFORMATION                                                                   ]

- Address: 105 Wharf St Whitney TX 76692
- town/city: Texas
- country: United states of America
- House Type: Single Family Household
- bathrooms: 2
- Property Size: 1,844
- House Price: $203,299

[                                                           SOCIALS                                                                             ]

  » YouTube:
     - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbmvucn7vNZgGxFreC-lb0Q
		Archived videos:
  - Twitter: 
     - https://twitter.com/XxXCELTICSNIPER  

  - Discord:
     -  celtic#0911 (ID: 857390174778032138)
     -  celtic#0711 (ID: 954620614524694589) (ALT)

  - Minecraft:
     -  xcqltic 

 - Tiktok:
    -      https://www.tiktok.com/@xcqltic

  - Twitch:
     -  https://www.twitch.tv/xcqltic

  __  __       _   _               
 |  \/  | ___ | |_| |__   ___ _ __ 
 | |\/| |/ _ \| __| '_ \ / _ \ '__|
 | |  | | (_) | |_| | | |  __/ |   
 |_|  |_|\___/ \__|_| |_|\___|_|   

- Mom: Casilda Carriker
- Age: 41
- DOB: 4/8/1982

- Address: 105 Wharf St Whitney TX 76692
- Prev Address: 1023 Tempe St Amarillo TX 79118

Ethnicity: white

[                                                          PHONE NUMBER                                                                        ]

  »  Mobile Number:     +1 (806) 400-0128 (Primary Phone)
				Valid: true
				Country: "United states of america"
				Carrier: "Sprint Spectrum, L.P"
				Type: "mobile"

 [                                                           EMAIL ACCOUTNS                                                                     ]

 Email: ccarriker@comcast.net	        /                                                
 Name: Casilda Carriker		       /  amazon				    
 ID: 104990633655669597009            []  myspace		Hash: 0xFE8D3FD6D90F3486F84DAB248CD092EC3F5328ED
 Status: Active			       \  					

 Email: sildacat@yahoo.com	        /                                                
 Name: Casilda Carriker		       /  amazon				    
 ID: 1049906536556695970456           []  myspace		Hash: 0x3654A2A8B863CD924D2E9AEBE9EBC2D387F7FE79
 Status: Active			       \  twitter					

  _____     _   _               
|  ___|_ _| |_| |__   ___ _ __ 
| |_ / _` | __| '_ \ / _ \ '__|
|  _| (_| | |_| | | |  __/ |   
|_|  \__,_|\__|_| |_|\___|_|  

- Name: Josh David Compton
- Age: 41 
- DOB: 4/8/1982

- Address: 907 S Louisiana St Amarillo, TX 79106
- Prev Address: 1956 S Highland St Amarillo, TX 79103

Ethnicity: white

[                                                          PHONE NUMBER                                                                        ]

  - Mobile Number:     +1 (806) 367-5916 (Primary Phone)
				Valid: true
				Country: "United states of america"
				Carrier: "Sprint Spectrum, L.P"
				Type: "mobile"

 [                                                           HOME INFORMATION                                                                   ]

- Address: 105 Wharf St Whitney TX 76692
- town/city: Texas
- country: United states of America
- House Type: Single Family Household
- bathrooms: 2
- Property Size: 1,844
- House Price: $203,299
 [                                                           EMAIL ACCOUTNS                                                                     ]

Email: dalecarriker_1980@yahoo.com	 /                                                
 Name: Josh Compton		       /  				    
 ID: 117055413753441036025            []  myspace		Creation date: 2021-07-25 02:02:13
 Status: Active			       \  					

 _____ _     _            
/ ____(_)   | |           
| (___  _ ___| |_ ___ _ __ 
\___ \| / __| __/ _ \ '__|
____) | \__ \ ||  __/ |   

- Mom: Delicia Compton
- Age: 23
- DOB: 4/12/1999

- Address: 5623 Cary St Dallas, TX 75227 (current)

- Prev Address: 105 Wharf St Whitney, TX 76692

Ethnicity: white

IRL: https://z.zz.fo/wb9pV.png
[                                                          PHONE NUMBER                                                                        ]

  »  Mobile Number:     +1 (806) 231-5825 (Primary Phone)
				Valid: true
				Country: "United states of america"
				Carrier: "Sprint Spectrum, L.P"
				Type: "mobile"

 [                                                           EMAIL ACCOUTNS                                                                     ]

 Email: delisha.c55@gmail.com	        /                                                
 Name: Delicia Compton		       /  spotify				    
 ID: 101974759545024242970            []  twitter 		Hash: pbkdf2_sha256$15000$CW41hxe8q0nu$ikXypB5/+8eF81RPfesiZEfKP3Vzq9hWdsNxHi5mpV0=
 Status: Active			       \  			IP:		

 [                                                                   CREDITS                                                                     ]

                                                                 We would like to thank you for boarding onto HAUNT Airlines.                                                                                                                                                
            _\ _~-\___                                                                                                    
    =  = ==(______)                                                                                                                         
                \_____\___________________,-~~~~~~~`-.._                              Captain: goliath and sai                                               
                /     o O o o o o O O o o o o o o O o  |\_                            Co-Captain: trems                               
                `~-.__        ___..----..                  )                          Flight Engineer: zkai4200              
                      `---~~\___________/------------`````                            Sexy Stewardess: hell                                                                
                      =  ===(_________D                                                                               


  [                                                                   CELTIC DOXXED                                                               ]