|| I apologize for the incomplete and short dox. pt 2 will carry    |/////////
 ||                          more info.                              |////////
 ||                         __             __                        |///////
 ||    _________ _____     / /_  __  __   / /_  __  ____________     |//////
 ||   / ___/ __ `/ __ \   / __ \/ / / /  / __ \/ / / / ___/ ___/     |/////
 ||  / /  / /_/ / / / /  / /_/ / /_/ /  / / / / /_/ (__  |__  )      |////
 || /_/   \__,_/_/ /_/  /_.___/\__, /  /_/ /_/\__,_/____/____/       |///
 ||                           /____/                                 |//

|| .dP"Y8  dP"Yb   dP""b8 88    db    88     .dP"Y8     .o.         |///////// 
|| `Ybo." dP   Yb dP   `" 88   dPYb   88     `Ybo."     `"'         |//////// 
|| o.`Y8b Yb   dP Yb      88  dP__Yb  88  .o o.`Y8b     .o.         |///////    
|| 8bodP'  YbodP   YboodP 88 dP""""Yb 88ood8 8bodP'     `"'         |//////    
||                                                                  |/////                                  
|| - Discord ; cloutlegacy                                          |////
|| - Instagram ; cravinghermoans                                    |///                                   
|| - Ex's Instagram ; cravinghismoans                               |//

|| 88 88b 88 888888  dP"Yb  88""Yb 8b    d8    db    888888 88  dP"Yb  88b 88     .o.   |/////////////                                                              
|| 88 88Yb88 88__   dP   Yb 88__dP 88b  d88   dPYb     88   88 dP   Yb 88Yb88     `"'   |////////////                                                                                                                                          
|| 88 88 Y88 88""   Yb   dP 88"Yb  88YbdP88  dP__Yb    88   88 Yb   dP 88 Y88     .o.   |///////////                                                                                                                                                             
|| 88 88  Y8 88      YbodP  88  Yb 88 YY 88 dP""""Yb   88   88  YbodP  88  Y8     `"'   |//////////                                                                                
||                                                                                      |/////////                                                       
|| - First name ; Alex                                                                  |////////                                                
|| - Last name ; Soon.                                                                  |///////                                                
|| - Age ; 15                                                                           |//////                                               
|| - DOB ; Soon.                                                                        |/////                                      
|| - Phone number ; Soon.                                                               |////      
|| - Race ; Soon.                                                                       |///        
|| - Apparently, Alex he larped 101 and 764.                                            |//

|| 88""Yb 888888    db    .dP"Y8  dP"Yb  88b 88     .o.                                                           |///////// 
|| 88__dP 88__     dPYb   `Ybo." dP   Yb 88Yb88     `"'                                                           |//////// 
|| 88"Yb  88""    dP__Yb  o.`Y8b Yb   dP 88 Y88     .o.                                                           |/////// 
|| 88  Yb 888888 dP""""Yb 8bodP'  YbodP  88  Y8     `"'                                                           |////// 
||                                                                                                                |/////
|| The reason for this dox is because Alex has been framing and hitting on my friends girl.Their names I won't    |//// 
|| be saying for security reasons. Alex is a horny fuck who's on social media 24/7 looking for girls to play and  |///
|| manipulate. He's so far the most desperate and down bad person I have ever fucking seen on social media.       |//

|| 88 8b    d8    db     dP""b8 888888 .dP"Y8     .o.                                                   |///////////////                          
|| 88 88b  d88   dPYb   dP   `" 88__   `Ybo."     `"'                                                   |//////////////                                              
|| 88 88YbdP88  dP__Yb  Yb  "88 88""   o.`Y8b     .o.                                                   |/////////////                                          
|| 88 88 YY 88 dP""""Yb  YboodP 888888 8bodP'     `"'                                                   |////////////                         
||                                                                                                      |///////////                                      
|| - For context, the chats are between Alex and my friend's girl. And the 2 other pictures are Alex's. |//////////                                                       
|| - For context, The last imagine in the chats is Alex framing my friend's girl.                       |/////////                               
|| - https://anonfiles.com/Da8aU22az0/IMG_6461_png                                                      |////////                      
|| - https://anonfiles.com/J98cUb2bz6/IMG_6462_png                                                      |///////
|| - https://anonfiles.com/N38cU32fz3/IMG_6463_png                                                      |//////                                             
|| - https://anonfiles.com/T38eUe25za/IMG_6464_png                                                      |/////                                                               
|| - https://anonfiles.com/Xa8eU020zb/IMG_6469_png (Alex framing my friend's girl)                      |////                                      
|| - https://anonfiles.com/n098U12cz3/IMG_9150_png                                                      |///                                                     
|| - https://anonfiles.com/p590U32azb/IMG_9147_png                                                      |//