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 \___  >____/|___|  /   __/ \___  >__|  |__|_ \/____  > \____ |\____/ \/\_/|___|  /
     \/           \/|__|        \/           \/     \/       \/                 \/ 
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 ▄▀▀▀█▀▀▄  ▄▀▀▀▀▄   ▄▀▄▄▄▄                             | #1: Conperks Personal Information      |
█    █  ▐ █      █ █ █    ▌                            | #2: Conperks Socials                   |
▐   █     █      █ ▐ █                                 | #3: girlfriends socials                |
   █      ▀▄    ▄▀   █                                 | #4: Other information                  |
 ▄▀         ▀▀▀▀    ▄▀▄▄▄▄▀                            |________________________________________|
█                  █     ▐                             | !ALL INFORMATION WAS OBTAINED LEGALLY! |
▐                  ▐                                   |________________________________________|


  /  " \  Full name + DOB : savannah diamond-walls | DOB 05-31-05        (sorry for typo last time mods) 
 /__|| |  Phone #         : +1 (716) 275-5417
    |: |  Address         : 94 ivanhoe rd, buffalo NY
   _\  |  Face            : https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/985377219016798388/1011054127079493723/trim.D7C6EF3C-5746-45E6-8047-E9CAE1E150FB.mov?size=4096
  /" \_|\                 

 /"     "\    Roblox      : https://www.roblox.com/users/3100558742/profile        (kids friends with a roblox tiktok sensation and gets doxxed LOOL!)
(__/\    :)   Instagram   : Adorvention || alt: adorvation
    / ___/    Discord     : perk#0005
   // \___    Email       : kavvyawesome@gmail.com
  (:  /  "\   Snapchat    : perkility
   \_______)  Tiktok(s)   : fertle | qested
 /" __   )    Instagram  : jsself
(__/ _) ./    Roblox     : https://www.roblox.com/users/1735166370/profile
    /  //     
 __ \_ \\     Name + DOB : cheyenne | DOB 7/17/05
(: \__) :\    Face       : https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/985377219016798388/1011054127410839552/trim.2DDF2EF1-DE31-45A4-9263-D0E48400DE9A.mov?size=4096


 ___  ___    
(: "||_  |    moms name      : dawn molett
|  (__) :|    moms instagram : dawndiva711
 \____  ||   
     _\ '|   REASONING : ewhore, blackmailer, loser irl, gaslighter, threatened to kill himself over his ex, claims to  do multiple things he doesnt (larps)
    /" \_|\  has a kink for gore (ew wtf) thinks hes the shit when hes not, broke bum ????????????
             jake on yo shit #GLADEONTOP