Get Larped nigga

I've larped you on doxbin

Name: Jacob
Age: 16-17

IP Address:
Region: Ohio
City: Springfield
Provider: Charter Communications Inc
Weather station: Springfield (USOH0908)
Olson Time Zone: America/New_York

House info:

Address: Jhonny cons 343 woobine ave 224 woodbine ave Springfield, Ohio, 4550
Address: 767 Woodbine Ave, Springfield, OH 45503, USA

Property Taxes:
Year    Property Tax     Land  Additions   Assesed Value
2022	$790 (+12.8%)	$2,370	$13,630	$16,000
2021	$700 (−0.2%)	$1,900	$11,200	$13,100
2020	$702 (−0.2%)	$1,900	$11,200	$13,100
2019	$704 (−4.7%)	$1,900	$11,200	$13,100
2018	$739	$1,900	$11,310	$13,210 Null
2017	$738	$1,900	$11,310	$13,210 Null
2016	$739 (−9.1%)	$1,900	$11,310	$13,210
2014	$813	$1,900	$12,420	$14,320 Null

Coordinates: -39.9323313,-83.7905287,21z

91,231 Price Estimate

Image of house:

Redfin (Accurate):

School info:

Homeschooled?     False
In High School?   True
Age:              16

School: Springfield High School
School Adress: 701 East Home Road, Springfield, OH 45503
School phone numbers: (937) 505-2800, (937) 342-4121
School leader email: SMITHPD@SCSDOH.ORG
Leader's adress: Woodedge Ave, Springfield, OH Rosalind Fondle Ga!lino Bo (937) 

Discord info:

Discord: ctjs#7225
Id: 1015985973961691197
Half Token: MTAxNTk4NTk3Mzk2MTY5MTE5Nw.**************************.******** (Will attempt to get full token soon)
Member since: Sep 04 2022 (New accuont)

Other info:

Is a retard?           True
Is a skid?             True
Is a scammer?          True