LUCID SKIDS ALL OF HIS SCRIPTS HALF OF HIS SCRIPTS ARE TOKEN LOGGERS LUCID IS A PUSSY, HE BLOCKS ANYONE WHO TALKS SHIT OR CALLS HIM OUT HERE I WILL BE RUNNING LUCID (AGE 16) Discord: ㄥㄩ匚丨ᗪ#0001, lets begin Usernames/Aliases: Lucid, lucid#5128, ㄥㄩ匚丨ᗪ#0001 Let's speed this up. Location: Ashland Kentucky Ethnicity: White Sexual Orientation: Gay Link-local IPv6 Address: IP = 2603:6011:c940:410:8de7:c744:2647:38d9 Youtube (Don't download anything): Discord server: (Botted) Epic: ethanjrose Full name: Ethen J rose Family: dev#1337, David Brett Rose(Possible Dad 40s), Aaron Rose, (Other possible dad 40s) dev#1337 Dev, another skid who tried running me, gave me a ip which i changed immediately and a elementary school off of his skidded ass logger Name: Andrew Rose Location: Ashland Kentucky Both possible addresses: 2107 Belmont St 41101, 1654 W Rose RdAaron (possible dad)'s phone numbers: (606) 327-1195 (304) 732-6378 Aaron's relatives: Tony James Rose Age 50s Sherry Rose Peterson Age 70s Lorintha Ann Rose Age 60s Aaron's Criminal & Traffic Records: 11 Bret's relatives (likely dad) :James Dustin Rose Age 40s Brandon C Rose Age 20s Jama O Rose Age 40s Bret's Criminal & Traffic Records: 4 Proof of him banning for talking shit: Lucid with my account he logged: Lucid lying about his area: He is confirmed lying about his area, you can hear his accent. He also banned me right after thatLucid muting in an argument permanently: Lucid trying to be scary with all wrong info: Dev totally running me. all wrong info other than my email: This is why you dont log my discord, you made a mistake! ░█████╗░██████╗░███████╗██████╗░██╗████████╗░██████╗██╗ ██╔══██╗██╔══██╗██╔════╝██╔══██╗██║╚══██╔══╝██╔════╝╚═╝ ██║░░╚═╝██████╔╝█████╗░░██║░░██║██║░░░██║░░░╚█████╗░░░░ ██║░░██╗██╔══██╗██╔══╝░░██║░░██║██║░░░██║░░░░╚═══██╗░░░ ╚█████╔╝██║░░██║███████╗██████╔╝██║░░░██║░░░██████╔╝██╗ ░╚════╝░╚═╝░░╚═╝╚══════╝╚═════╝░╚═╝░░░╚═╝░░░╚═════╝░╚═╝ ██████╗░░██████╗██╗░░░██╗░█████╗░██╗░░██╗░█████╗░ ██╔══██╗██╔════╝╚██╗░██╔╝██╔══██╗██║░░██║██╔══██╗ ██████╔╝╚█████╗░░╚████╔╝░██║░░╚═╝███████║██║░░██║ ██╔═══╝░░╚═══██╗░░╚██╔╝░░██║░░██╗██╔══██║██║░░██║ ██║░░░░░██████╔╝░░░██║░░░╚█████╔╝██║░░██║╚█████╔╝ ╚═╝░░░░░╚═════╝░░░░╚═╝░░░░╚════╝░╚═╝░░╚═╝░╚════╝░ ████████╗███████╗░█████╗░██████╗░░██████╗ ╚══██╔══╝██╔════╝██╔══██╗██╔══██╗██╔════╝ ░░░██║░░░█████╗░░███████║██████╔╝╚█████╗░ ░░░██║░░░██╔══╝░░██╔══██║██╔══██╗░╚═══██╗ ░░░██║░░░███████╗██║░░██║██║░░██║██████╔╝ ░░░╚═╝░░░╚══════╝╚═╝░░╚═╝╚═╝░░╚═╝╚═════╝░ ██████╗░░█████╗░░██████╗███████╗ ██╔══██╗██╔══██╗██╔════╝██╔════╝ ██████╔╝██║░░██║╚█████╗░█████╗░░ ██╔══██╗██║░░██║░╚═══██╗██╔══╝░░ ██║░░██║╚█████╔╝██████╔╝███████╗ ╚═╝░░╚═╝░╚════╝░╚═════╝░╚══════╝