;\        `-/oyhdmmNNNmmdhso/-`       mN                          
              `NNs: .+ymMMMMMNmddhhhddmNMMMMMmy/.`+NMN`                           
                /MMMmyshNho/-`           `-/ohNhhdMMMM:                            
                `+hMMMMMmo.                  -sNMMMMMy-`                           
             `oNMsNMMmdMMMd+`             .omMMNysMMN-NNo`                                              
            /NMMm:/MMM-.omMMMh/`        /dMMMh/``mMM/-mMMm/                                                               
         `hMMN+   yMMd   -sNMMMh/`  :yMMMmo.   sMMh   +NMMy`                                          
        .mMMd.    `NMMo     :yNMNhsNMMNs-     -MMN.    .dMMm.                                                   
       .NMMy       /MMM-      .ymMMNhy-       dMM+      `hMMm`                   phishingattacks on discord.    This dox was made by                                          
      ndMMh         yMMm   `/hMMMh/oMMMmo.   oMMh         hMMd                                                101 horrify.                 
      oMMm`         `NMMs.yNMMmo.   .omMMMdo.dMN.         `NMM+                                         Horrify ran amber.        she failed to get me fedded.
     `NMM/           /MMM+MNs-         -sNMMMdy/           +MMN                                          
     /MMN          `+hhMMm-               :hNMMMh/`        `MMM:                                                 
     sMMd        /hMMM+NMMs   horrify.  `NhhMMMNy:       dMMo                                             
     yMMh     -sNMMmo. /MMM-              hMMo `+dMMMNy:    hMMs                  
     sMMd  .omMMNs-     hMMm`            /MMm     .omMMMNs- mMMo                                
     /MMd+dMMNy:        `NMMs           `NMM-        -sNMMMmddN:                                
     `hdMMMd+` ``````````+ddh-.........`yMMs---------:::sNMMMMd+.                               
       `mMMh`              /MMM:      sMMy              `dMMd`                                     
        `dMMm-              hMMN`    -MMN`             -mMMd`                                    
          sMMMo`            .NMMy    dMM:            `sMMMs                                      
           :mMMN+`           /MMM/  oMMy           `+NMMd-                                          
             +mMMNs-          hMMN`.MMN`         -sNMMm/                          
               /hMMMms:`      .NMMyhMM/      `:smMMMh:                            
                 .+dMMMMdy+:.` +MMMMMh `-:oymMMMMh+`                              

 { Reasoning }
↳  Reasoning
       ↳ she kept arking up to me and sent nudes to be 
Let on Fortnite accs and sent to underaged children 
 { Aliases }
               ↳ emqtioniess
 { Personal Information }
      ↳ Full name
             ↳Amber Franklin jade-Marie 
      ↳ Age
         ↳15 years old 
      ↳ year of birth
     ↳ Physical appearance
              ↳ Height:          5,4/5,5
              ↳ Sex:             female
              ↳ eye colour:      hazel
              ↳ hair colour:     brown/red/black 
              ↳ nationality:     Australian
              ↳ religion:        N.A
     ↳Address: 3 Alenola St Chapel Hill QLD 4069 Australia
          ↳School address: 30 Everson Road, Gympie, QLD, Australia, Queensland
     ↳ Planet: Earth
     ↳ Hemisphere: Southern Hemisphere
     ↳ Country: Australia
     ↳ Location: Queensland 
       ↳ Phone number
           ↳ I do not have her number atm but her school number is
                                                        ↳ (07) 5343 4009
 { Social Media }

 ↳ Social media
         ↳ Tiktok: emqtioniess
             ↳ Snapchat: ur.girlamberr
 { Mother}
 ↳ full name:       Tarnia Franklin 
 ↳ age:             Unknown
 ↳ gender:          Female
 ↳ Politics:        Unknown
 ↳ status:          alive sadly
 ↳ Phone number:    0403 712 662

 { Father }
 ↳ Full name:      Anthony Franklin 
 ↳ age:            Unknown
 ↳ Gender:         Male
 ↳ Politics:       Unknown
 ↳ Status:         Alive
 ↳ address:        3 Alenola St Chapel Hill QLD 4069 Australia

 { Pictures }
 ↳ Add me on discord for them
  ↳ P.S there’s nudes included
     ↳ phishingattacks on discord 

{ Credits }

This paste was made because a egirl named Amber 
going around sending nudes to be let on a “Fortnite” account
P.S they were leaked on Snapchat 

phishingattacks       =         101 horrify / funeral  
