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                      /                                                                                         \             )\_.._/ /\ \_.._/(
                     /                                                                                           \              (*_<>_  _<>_*)
                    /  The church of no other than God himself..                                                  \           )/ '' \ \/ / '' \(
                   /_______________________________________________________________________________________________\          '      )  (      '
                  /                                                                                             |                    (  )                
                 /                                     #761                                                     |                    )  (              
                /                                     zeti x gtg x soulz x hell                                 |                    (<>)
               /                                                                                                |                   / ** \
              /                                                                                                 |                  /.-..-.\

                                                ║ 0x01 » Introduction................   ║
                                                ║ 0x02 » Information.................   ║
                                                ║ 0x03 » DBs and Accounts............   ║
                                                ║ 0x04 » Credits.....................   ║



            |   ,-,-.                                        *        zeti         *               soulz             *          *                      *   |
            |  /.( +.\          *                  *                -=====-                 *        -=====-                             *                   |
            |  \ {. */                     *                         _..._                            _..._                 *                         *      |
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            |      *              *                       ,_\'--, \   _.'`~~/                      \~~`'._   / ,--'/_,                     *          *      |
            |                                    *          \'--,_`{_,}    -(    Let us begin..     )-    {,_}`_,--'/         *                              |
            |                                                '.`-.`\;--,___.'_                     _'.___,--;/`.-`.'                                         |
            |                                                  '._`/    |_ _{@}                   {@}_ _|    \`_.'                                           |
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            |                                                 / |`-.___.    /    \Y/\|{@}Y/\|//     \    .___,-'| \                                          |
            |                                |                                                                       

                                =- The Story of a Socially Awkward Kid and His Plan for Notoriety. -= 
                                            gores x nux x bear x acid lollllllllllll

                  ========================================[zeti x gtg x soulz x hell]========================================

║ lets start of with gores a unkown reject who came on the internet around late 2021 with bear nux and acid gores is a fat online kid
            who sits in his room all day eating and slitting his arms and making ppl kill there animals along with bear x acid x nux
                      they started making corny fn vids late 2022 tg they come after little kids age of 13-15 to extort them for content
                                they also claim being harmfull when they exort ppl and there friends swat people they think there cool bc
                                     of it they are just like yuri a kid who shouldnt be aloud on the internet they claim my dox -zeti
                                        but all they have is my aunts info and they think they did somthing with it (lol) theses kids are
                                            jokes and random skids reiko dont know them kt dont know them viscount dont know them brent 
                                                  dont know them and many more dont know them gores is a retard who role plays being gory
                                                       or doxbin gores he role play a dc hacker and his bf 901 larp owner shit of i own
                                                          lol is a idiot do he larps viscount lol theses kids are joke they claim old 
                                                              owner to my number is james lang lol idiots  lets see they say i have no 
                                                                    no money z3t1 on cord i can show more then them fat fucks made there
                                                                        whole life but here is sum info on gores x clutter x bear x acid 

gores irl brayden 
gores face https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1169845869214978101/1182387199245815858/

no info on him 
nux had info lost is he is a fat kid who scams forntite accs along with gores 

acid never heard of the reject lol

clutter was kidnapped by his dad 2 times lol
clutters irl
grandpas irlAntonio Valdes 
clutter links
                                                               easy ggs bc all info they have on me is wrong i will make a better paste 
                                                                     when i get more info thank u zeti... btw im from 2018 idios lol
                                                                        dc z3t1 thank u for reading this zeti 

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                                                                     zeti is god