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      Basic Info :  

 --- Racist.
 --- Larps being black.
 --- Larps OBlock
 --- Flexs a "gun" which is found on pinterest


 - Thank you for your time.


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Name: Brandon Riley
DOB: 30th September 2005
Current age: 17 years, 4 months
IP adress:
address: 1003 East Pine Avenue, El Segundo, california, United States
Postal code: 90245
picture of house: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1038506091736215592/1071769146678857759/image.png
latitude: 33.922234
longitude: -118.405518


    --- Possible schools he could have gone to:

 Center Street Elementary : 0.2mi away from his house
 El Segundo Middle School: 0.2mi away from his house
 El Segundo High School: 0.6mi away from his house


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Property Type: Multi-Family (5+ Unit)
Year Built: 1964
Lot Size: 0.36 Acres
Flood factor: 1/10
Subdivision Name: EL SEGUNDO
Building Sq. Ft: 14,552
# of Units: 15
Legal Description: EL SEGUNDO LOTS 1,2 AND LOT 3
Lot Information
# of Buildings: 1
Land Sq. Ft: 15,814
Legal Lot Number: 3
Legal Block Number: 121
Municipality Name: EL SEGUNDO
Zoning Code: ESC2YY
County Use Description: APARTMENT
Acres: 0.363

--> Property Tax 

Assessed Value
2022    $8,607 (+1.3%)    $145,982    $429,687    $575,669
2021    $8,495 (+1.6%)    $145,982    $429,687    $575,669
2020    $8,358 (+1.2%)    $143,120    $421,262    $564,382
2019    $8,257 (+8.0%)    $141,653    $416,943    $558,596
2018    $7,644 (−1.3%)    $138,876    $408,768    $547,644
2017    $7,746 (+7.2%)    $133,484    $392,896    $526,380
2016    $7,224 (+1.0%)    $133,484    $392,896    $526,380
2015    $7,152 (+0.1%)    $130,867    $385,193    $516,060
2014    $7,142 (+2.4%)    $126,377    $371,976    $498,353
2012    $6,974 (+3.9%)    $125,806    $370,295    $496,101
2011    $6,710 (−1.8%)    $123,340    $363,035    $486,375
2010    $6,834 (+2.7%)    $120,922    $355,917    $476,839
2009    $6,657 (+0.8%)    $120,019    $353,257    $473,276
2008    $6,601    $120,305    $354,097    $474,402

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NetRange: -
NetName:        EDEN
NetHandle:      NET-192-79-0-0-1
Parent:         NET192 (NET-192-0-0-0-0)
NetType:        Direct Allocation
Organization:   Hughes Electronics Corporation (HUGHES-6)

OrgName:        Hughes Electronics Corporation
OrgId:          HUGHES-6
Address:        2250 East Imperial Highway
City:           El Segundo
StateProv:      CA
PostalCode:     90245
Country:        US

OrgAbuseHandle: DOMAI41-ARIN
OrgAbuseName:   Domain Registrar
OrgAbusePhone:  +1-303-712-4527
OrgAbuseEmail:  domain.registrar@directv.com

OrgTechHandle: DOMAI41-ARIN
OrgTechName:   Domain Registrar
OrgTechPhone:  +1-303-712-4527
OrgTechEmail:  domain.registrar@directv.com

RTechHandle: GM384-ARIN
RTechName:   MacLean, Gene
RTechPhone:  +1-562-797-0649
RTechEmail:  Gene.MacLean-III@boeing.com


   ▄████████  ▄██████▄   ▄████████  ▄█     ▄████████  ▄█          ▄████████ 
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 Discord: scarlett'#6666
 Roblox: scarsdejavu
 Facebook: (unknown)
 Instagram: (unknown)
 Tiktok: 777scar
 Snapchat: (unknown)
 Twitter: (unknown)


#11 is everywhere.  

credits: racksss

- kast #11

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