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                                                          |                      IGN: shameless                      |
                                                          |                    First name: Stepan                    |
                                                          |                 Middle name: Maximovich                  |
                                                          |                     Surname: Kuz'min                     |
                                                          |               Date of birth: 1th June 2006               |
                                                          |                   Playing HvH since: 2019                |
                                                          |                    School: 239 [studying]                |
                                                          |                       School's site:                     |
                                                          |                       https://239.ru/                    |
                                                          |                        City: Moscow                      |
                                                          |                             VK:                          |
                                                          |                 https://vk.com/id442922358               |     
                                                          |                 https://vk.com/id575968354               |
                                                          |                            OK:                           |                                  
                                                          |             https://ok.ru/profile/108634985085           |     
                                                          |                           Face:                          |
                                                          |                   https://prnt.sc/16th7gz                |
                                                          |                   https://prnt.sc/16thdh6                |
                                                          |                   https://prnt.sc/16thnj2                |
                                                          |                            YT:                           |
                                                          | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC910If1WEVdvvywMlJOAUuA |
                                                          |                           Father:                        |
                                                          |                     First name: Maxim                    |
                                                          |                     Surname: Kuz'min                     |
                                                          |              Date of birth: 2th January 1964             |
                                                          |                   School: 26 [graduated]                 |
                                                          |                       School's site:                     |
                                                          |                    https://www.mgpu.ru                   |
                                                          |                        City: Moscow                      |
                                                          |                             VK:                          |
                                                          |                 https://vk.com/id526369599               |                                                    
                                                          |                             OK:                          |                                  
                                                          |          https://ok.ru/coach.armsport.maxim.kuzmin       |    
                                                          |                           Face:                          |
                                                          |                   https://prnt.sc/16tq0mg                |
                                                          |                   https://prnt.sc/16tqe3o                |  
                                                          |                           Brother:                       |
                                                          |                      First name: Ivan                    |
                                                          |                   Middle name: Maximovich                |
                                                          |                      Surname: Kuz'min                    |
                                                          |                Date of birth: 7th September              |
                                                          |                   School: 1195 [graduated]               |
                                                          |                       School's site:                     |
                                                          |                  https://sch1195.mskobr.ru               |
                                                          |                         City: Moscow                     |
                                                          |                             OK:                          |                                     
                                                          |             https://ok.ru/profile/549919582428           |     
                                                          |             https://ok.ru/profile/557357490286           | 
                                                          |                           Face:                          |
                                                          |                   https://prnt.sc/16tokmn                |
                                                          |                   https://prnt.sc/16toqii                |
                                                          |                 Reason of deanonimisation:               |
                                                          |                       Trashtalking                       |