County of orgin - Nigeria
Gender   - Male 
genrea location - Ottawa, Ontario

what he looks like-

spotify-https:	//

Discord infomation
		Discord information:
 			User ID: 975945083964768306
 			Username: nolimitayo#0001
 			Created: Tue, 17 May 2022 02:17:20 UTC
			discord account pfp= 
		Second discord account inforamtion:
 			User ID: 1057888509840588931
 			Username: Saz#9173
 			Created: Thu, 29 Dec 2022 05:11:15 UTC
			second account pfp=

About him - He is a black male from nigeria he seems to be in highschool as of 2023 he seems to like the anime  dragaonball Z
            He also seems to have a nicotine addiction which can be backed up by the fact that he is vaping in his discord profile picture
            He also got bitched on by a white boy ik irreleveent but its funny

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