		                         /  \                                                               
		                        |    |                                                                 
		    (`----._____.-'"""`. \__/ .'"""`-._____.----')                                       
	             (____       .      `|  |'      .       ____)                                                                                                                                                      
	               (___`----' .     _|  |_     . `----'___)                                       
			 (__`----'  _.-' |  | `-._  `----'__)                                                                                             
			   `._____.'_    |  |    _`._____.'                                             
			          /o )-< |  | >-( o\                                                                                                                 
			         / .'    |  |    `. \   	        
        		        J J      |  |      L L  	
        		        | |      |  |      | |       
                                J J      |  |      F F    
        		         \ \     |  |     / /          ╔═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗  
        		          \ `.   |  |   .' /			  Table Of Contents 
--------╠═══════════════════╣----- `. `-.|  |.-' .'           
        ║                   ║        `-. |.-' .-'                 : ̗̀➛     0x01 Introduction..............................
        ║  um..             ║           . .-' .-'.                : ̗̀➛     0x02 Basic Information.........................
        ║  PEDO             ║        .' .-' |. `.                 : ̗̀➛     0x03 Socials...................................                            
        ║  ALERT            ║       / .' |  | `. \                : ̗̀➛     0x04 Nsfw......................................
        ║  ..               ║      / /   |  |   \ \                       0x05 Credits...................................     
        ║  DOXED            ║     J J    |  |    L L               
        ║                   ║	  | |    |  |    | |                      get fucked Jaafar Ahmar 
        ╠═══════════════     J J    |  |    F F      ╚═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
        ║ hellzone was here xd ! ║   \ `.  |  |  .' /     
--------╠═══════════════════╣-------`. `-|  !-' .'           
  			              `-.!-' .-'                                                             
     			               .' .-|`.             Note:  This is a dox on Jaafar Ahmar, just posted a little bit of info
           	  	              / .|  |. \	    	   so when he tries to shit talk me and larp, all I need to 
             			     J J |  | L L                  do is send this. Feel free to repost any information...!		
                	             | | |  | | |           
               			     J J |  | F F         
         		              `.\|  |/.'          
                    			`|  |'
[ 0x01                   Introduction                                                                                                     Jaafar Ahmar ]       

  @@                @@                      
*@@@  *@@@@@@@@m  @@@@@@ *@@@m@@@   m@@*@@m 
  @@    @@    @@    @@     @@* **  @@*   *@@
  !@    @!    @@    @@     @!      @@     @@
  !@    @!    !@    @!     @!      @@     !@
  !!    !!    !!    !!     !!      !@     !!
  !!    !!    !!    !!     !:      !!!   !!!
  : : : : :::  :!: :  ::: :: :::      : : : : 

 Jaafar Ahmar is a skid/larps's on discord and probably apps and he claims he a "hacker" or a "anonymous hacker" and he also claims he's "harmful and undoxable"                                           
 and he also thinks he's "unswattable" but this is proof he's a pedo and a harmless skid/larp and he tells all his friends that he's "harmful and unlovable and unswatable" 
 but little do you know he can get doxed as you can see here and he grooms little girls (aka minors) to get them on his side so they cant leave his site and shi               
 he also threatened them and said "if you leave me or breakup with me i will log you or expose you" but he a discord pedofile that wants attention from little egirls 
 hes a pyscho path that grooms egirls for his intire life			

*@@@***@@m   @@                  
  @@   *@@m                      
  @@   m@@ *@@@   m@@*@@  m@@*@@@
  @@@@@@@    @@  @@*  @@  @@   **
  @@         !@  @!       *@@@@@m
  @!         !@  @!m    m      @@
  @!         !!  !!       *!   @!
  !!         !!  !:!    ! !!   !!
:!:!:      : : :  : : :   : :!:  

https://ibb.co/99B0S2r [egirl said he was weird towards minors]
https://ibb.co/2N5RpdX [proof that he was esexing minors when they first joined his server] 
https://ibb.co/G5sqR0m [he was sleeping in vc with a minor that is 14 or 15]
https://ibb.co/hZQndJ5 [him dming a 16 year old egirl and try's to flirt with her]                                  			
[ 0x02                   Basic Info                                                                                                       Jaafar Ahmar ]       

   *@@@@*                    m@* **                  
     @@                      @@*                     
     @@   m@*@@m   m@*@@m   @@@@@   m@*@@m  *@@@m@@@ 
     @@  @@   @@  @@   @@    @@    @@   @@    @@* ** 
     @@   m@@@!@   m@@@!@    !@     m@@@!@    @!     
@@!  @@  @!   !@  @!   !@    !@    @!   !@    @!     
     !!   !!!!:!   !!!!:!    !:     !!!!:!    !!     
!!!  !!  !!   :!  !!   :!    !:    !!   :!    !:     
 :!: :   :!: : !: :!: : !: : :::   :!: : !: : :::    
Full Name: 
⤷ Jaafar Ahmar
⤷ Male
⤷ 21
⤷ Langenaes Allen 37, 2th
8000 Aarhus, Denmark
Apartment Complex: 
⤷ https://ibb.co/3FhWXgJ [top view of his apartment complex]
Apartment Complex: 
⤷ https://ibb.co/F78tFy7 [a closer view of his apartment complex]
⤷ United Kingdom
⤷ Aarhus
⤷ Denmark
Street Name: 
⤷ Marsalis boulevard St.
ZipCode: 8000

*@@@@*          *@@@@*
  @@              @@  
  @@  *@@@m@@@    @@  
  @@    @@* **    !@  
  @!    @!        !@  
  @!    @!        !@  
  !!    !!        !!  
  :!    !:        :!  
:!: : : :::     : : : 
https://ibb.co/0FRQKrL [1 pic of him] 
https://ibb.co/YWbZbzR [2 pic of him]                                                     
https://ibb.co/cr4Gy0Y [3 pic of him]
https://ibb.co/KhkP0x9 [4 pic of him]			
[ 0x03                  Socials                                                                                                           Jaafar Ahmar]       

			     mm              mm          
 m@***@m@                    @@            *@@@          
m@@    *@                                    @@          
*@@@m      m@@*@@m  m@@*@@ *@@@   m@*@@m     @@   m@@*@@@
  *@@@@@m @@*   *@@@@*  @@   @@  @@   @@     !@   @@   **
      *@@ @@     @@@!        !@   m@@@!@     !@   *@@@@@m
@@     @@ @@     !@@!m    m  !@  @!   !@     !@        @@
!     *@! !@     !!!!        !!   !!!!:!     !!   *!   @!
!!     !! !!!   !!!!:!    !  !!  !!   :!     :!   !!   !!
:!: : :!   : : : :  : : :  : : : :!: : !:  : : :  : :!:  

⤷ https://ibb.co/94nv35h [his current Instagram account] 
⤷ https://ibb.co/h1Tgtds [his current snapchat account]                                                
⤷ https://ibb.co/Jkkd5Bm [his possible twitch account]
⤷ https://ibb.co/WHrT6pt  [his active discord tag]
⤷ https://ibb.co/Pc1wqhs [his olds discord tag] 
Discord Alt:
⤷ https://ibb.co/QFjC81G [his active discord tag]
⤷ https://ibb.co/h208vxm [his olds alt discord tag]
[ 0x04                   Nsfw                                                                                                          Jaafar Ahmar ]       

*@@@m   *@@@*          m@* **                  
  @@@m    @            @@*                     
  @ @@@   @   m@@*@@@ @@@@@  *@@*    m@    *@@*
  @  *@@m @   @@   **  @@      @@   m@@@   m@  
  @   *@@m!   *@@@@@m  !@       @@ m@  @@ m@   
  !     !@!        @@  !@        @@@    @!!    
  !   *!!!!   *!   @!  !:        !@!!   !:!    
  !     !!!   !!   !!  !:        !!!    !:!    
  : : :    :!!  : :!:  : :::        :      :     

 ⤷ https://ibb.co/qRWpZCZ [1 pic]

 ⤷ https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1054909095422988340/1054909243901345852/8c3cf5c584544525b62367d00e76cae6.movhttps://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1029200671557308477/1054067158516244570/849eef9297e34ecca7887f825839436b.movhttps://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1029200671557308477/1054067604366557204/03e4c9182b1d49089e8aee716350e972.mov

  @@    *@                                                      
  @@   @    m@@*@@@  mm@*@@ *@@*   *@@*     *@@*   *@@*  m@@*@@ 
  @@@@@@    @@   ** m@*   @@  *@@ m@*         @@   m@   @@*  @@ 
  @@   @  m *@@@@@m !@******    @@@            @@ m@    @!      
  @!     m@      @@ !@m    m    !!@@            !@@     @!m    m
  !!   !  ! *!   @! !!******    !!@             !@!     !!      
  !!     !! !!   !! :!!       !!* !!!           !!!     !:!    !
: :::!: : : : :!:    : : ::  ::    :!:           :       : : :  
⤷ https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1055189543453732864/1055189745371721791/trim.F146957E-63E6-4B03-A475-310C6B5D0D64_1.movhttps://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1055189543453732864/1055189746034430003/Drew_da_Bisexual_Pedo.mp4                                           
[ 0x05                  Credits                                                                                                           Jaafar Ahmar ]       

		    	          mm    mm                                                      
                                *@@@    @@    @@                                                        
                                  @@          @@           
 m@@*@@ *@@@m@@@   mm@*@@    m@**@@@  *@@@  @@@@@@  m@@*@@@                   
@@*  @@   @@* **  m@*   @@ m@@    @@    @@    @@    @@   **
@!        @!      !@****** @!@    @!    !@    @@    *@@@@@m
@!m    m  @!      !@m    m *!@    @!    !@    @!         @@
!!        !!      !!****** !!!    !!    !!    !!    *!   @!
!:!    !  !:      :!!      *:!    !:    !!    !!    !!   !!
 : : :  : :::      : : ::   : : : ! : : : :   ::: : : :!:  
                                                                                   ,     \    /      ,                                                                                          / \    )\__/(     / \ 
			                                                         /   \  (_\  /_)   /   \
			                                                    ____/_____\__\@  @/___/_____\____ 
                                                                           |             |\../|              |
			» Hellzone                                         |              \VV/               |    
			⤷ https://keybase.io/hellzone666                   |   contact me if you have info   |
                        » Many people that spoke up                        |_________________________________|
                                                                           |    /\ /      \\       \ /\    | 
                                                                           |  /   V        ))       V   \  | 
                                                                           |/     `       //        '     \| 
                                                                           `              V                '