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                                                           XP^X'`b   d'`X^XX     art made by https://t.me/CyberConvict
                                                           X. 9  `   '  P )X
                                                           `b  `       '  d'     (dm me on tele for payed assignments)
                                                            `             '
                                        █               ░░░░░░  ░░░░░░░  ░░░░░               █
                                       ███                   ▒▒      ▒▒ ▒▒   ▒▒             ███
                                      █████              ▒▒▒▒▒     ▒▒    ▒▒▒▒▒             █████
                                     ███████                 ▓▓   ▓▓    ▓▓   ▓▓           ███████
                                    █████████           ██████    ██     █████           █████████
                                   ███████████            keo # scruby # lurk           ███████████
       /███████████████████████████████████████████████████evil rots within.███████████████████████████████████████████████████\
█████    -    opsec guide                                                                                                         █████
████      -     _______                                   ░░ ░░░    ░░ ░░░░░░░  ░░░░░░        ,--.    ,--.          ,--.   ,--.    ████
███       -    /      /,      \|/          (__)           ▒▒ ▒▒▒▒   ▒▒ ▒▒      ▒▒    ▒▒      |oo  | _  \  `.       | oo | |  oo|    ███
██---------   / 101  //            `\------(oo)           ▒▒ ▒▒ ▒▒  ▒▒ ▒▒▒▒▒   ▒▒    ▒▒  o  o|~~  |(_) /   ;       | ~~ | |  ~~|     ██
███       -  /______//               ||    (__)           ▓▓ ▓▓  ▓▓ ▓▓ ▓▓      ▓▓    ▓▓  o   |/\/\|   '._,'        |/\/\| |/\/\|    ███
████     -  (______(/                ||w--||     \|/      ██ ██   ████ ██       ██████   o                                         ████
█████   -                        \|/                                                                                              █████
█                                                       REASON FOR DOX:                                                               █
█                      _\/_                                                                                                           █
█                      //o\  _\/_                       • calls people rapists and woman beaters for no reason                        █
█   _____ _ __ __ ____ _ | __/o\\ _                     • faked multiple rapes for "clout"                                            █
█ =-=-_-__=_-= _=_=-=_,-'|"'""-|-,_"                    • is a homophobic retard                                                      █
█  =- _=-=- -_=-=_,-"      o   |  " _                   • fakes sh (self harm)                                                        █
█    =- =- -=.--"                   "_                                                                                                █
█                                                                                                                                     █
█                                                       full name: Lea Mirkovic                                                       █
█                                                       age: 15                                                                       █
█   ___________________                                 lives at: Donsögatan 14, 414 74 Göteborg, Sweden                              █
█   | _______________ |                                 partment number: 1001                                                         █
█   | |XXXXXXXXXXXXX| |                                 postal code: 414 74                                                           █
█   | |XXX--XXX--XXX| |                                 lives in a 4 room flat with a balcony, 86 m2 was built in 1943                █
█   | |XXXXXX.XXXXXX| |                                 Entrance level, 1st door fr. left ( Lgh 1001 ).                               █
█   | |XXX\_____/XXX| |                                                                                                               █
█   | |XXXXXXXXXXXXX| |                                 pictures:                                                                     █
█   |_________________|                                 https://anonfiles.com/Lew9iep6za/Screenshot_20220904_022629_Discord_jpg       █
█       _[_______]_                                     https://anonfiles.com/59wdi4pcz1/Screenshot_20220726_222804_Snapchat_jpg      █
█   ___[___________]___                                                                                                               █
█  |         [_____] []|__                              her socials                                                                   █
█  |  MSI    [_____] []|  \__                           discord id: 966137621191491644 (joan.6969)                                    █
█  L___________________J     \ \___\/                   snap: nejtack21834                                                            █
█   ___________________      /\                         tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@humlesnurre                                   █
█  /###################\    (__)                                                                                                      █
████████████████████████████████████████████████████████   dads info   ████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████
█                          |                                                                                                          █
█                          |                                                                                                          █
█                          |                            dads full name: Peter Forsblad                                                █
█                        __|__                          went to: Studiefrämjandet (college)                                           █
█                        ))|((                          age: 45                                                                       █
█                      .'/ | \`.                        birthday: 12/2/1978                                                           █
█                     / |  |  | \                       lives at: Donsögatan 14, 414 74 Göteborg, Sweden                              █
█                     `-`--'--'-'                       used to live at: 414 62, Gothenburg, Gothenburg Västra Götaland county        █
█                   '             `                     change of address: 2020-04-04                                                 █
█                                                                                                                                     █
█                                                       pictures:                                                                     █
█                '                   `                  https://anonfiles.com/49wbr9z4z7/ChTFRFGWwAAIJp1_png                          █
█                                                                                                                                     █
█                                                       his socials                                                                   █
█                                                       https://twitter.com/PeterForsblad                                             █
█                                                       linkedin.com/in/peter-forsblad-7819b0a5                                       █
█                                                                                                                                     █
█                                                                               / 19780212- XXXX (without birthnumber and checksum)   █
█                                                       social security number[]                                                      █
█                                                                               \ 19780212- 4912 (full ssn)                           █
█                                                                                                                                     █
████████████████████████████████████████████████████████   moms info   ████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████
█                                                                                                                                     █
█                                                                                                                                     █
█                                                       moms full name: Sandra Eriksson Mirkovic                                      █
█                                                       went to: Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden (medical school)           █
█                                                       age: 40                                                                       █
█                                                       birthday: 11/6/1983                                                           █
█                                                       lives at: Donsögatan 14, 414 74 Göteborg, Sweden                              █
█                                                       used to live at: 414 62, Gothenburg, Gothenburg Västra Götaland county        █
█                                                       phone number: +46739819880                                                    █
█                                                                                                                                     █
█                                                       pictures:                                                                     █
█        .--.                   .---.                   https://anonfiles.com/d4a7nfz8ze/sandra1_PNG                                  █
█    .---|__|           .-.     |~~~|                   https://anonfiles.com/C4bcncz5z3/sandra2_PNG                                  █
█ .--|===|--|_          |_|     |~~~|--.                                                                                              █
█ |  |===|  |'\     .---!~|  .--| D |--|                her socials                                                                   █
█ |%%| E |  |.'\    |===| |--|%%| O |  |                instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr_sandra_hyperhidrosis/?hl              █
█ |%%| A |  |\.'\   |   | |__|  | X |  |                facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dr.sandra.hyperhidrosis                    █
█ |  | S |  | \  \  |===| |==|  |   |  |                youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJlpTNX0tSqc0ojZxnbs6eA/featured    █
█ |  | Y |__|  \.'\ |   |_|__|  |~~~|__|                linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sandra-eriksson-mirkovic/               █
█ |  |===|--|   \.'\|===|~|--|%%|~~~|--|                email: sandra.eriksson.mirkovic@gmail.com                                     █
█ ^--^---'--^    `-'`---^-^--^--^---'--'                google id: 104350190459375765054                                              █
██████████████████████████████████████████                                                                                            █
█                                    ██                                         / 19830611- XXXX (without birthnumber and checksum)   █
█                                    ██                 social security number[]                                                      █
█                                    ██                                         \ 19830611- 4805 (full ssn)                           █
█                                    ██                                                                                               █

l   felt the need to finish this :p            l