I did this dox by phone so dont judge. [align=left]Actually didnt want to dox you coz of past relationships we had but i will give some clues on what the others can do to reach ur ass. Alies : Ali4526 Name : Muhammad Ali Facebook : https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100025085462894&ref=content_filter School : https://m.facebook.com/beaconhouse.pc/ State : Pakistan (shiiit state) School web : http://www.beaconhouse.edu.pk/ Skin Color : Black Ass Nigga Religion : Muslim He was an admin as well in hackinglounge https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/668877890896527377/673206210698412072/unknown.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/668877890896527377/673205735907393565/unknown.png Clue : hackinglounge db is leaked. U can find his email How to get further info? Contact his school by their email and ask for a copy of datas. Thanks xoxo Trust me @ksz u dont wanna me go further u skid ass faggot pimp muslim shit P.s : I will update later [/align]