/$$                               /$$
                                                                                            |__/                              | $$
                                                                                    /$$$$$$  /$$  /$$$$$$   /$$$$$$$  /$$$$$$ | $$
                                                                                |____  $$| $$ /$$__  $$ /$$_____/ /$$__  $$| $$
                                                                                    /$$$$$$$| $$| $$  \ $$|  $$$$$$ | $$  \ $$| $$
                                                                                /$$__  $$| $$| $$  | $$ \____  $$| $$  | $$| $$
                                                                                |  $$$$$$$| $$|  $$$$$$/ /$$$$$$$/|  $$$$$$$| $$
                                                                                \_______/|__/ \______/ |_______/  \____  $$|__/
                                                                                                                        | $$    
                                                                                                                        | $$    


                                                                Hello everyone, today on the paste we have our beloved character KyroFrost, AKA Kyro
                                                                AKA Lxsttimeless AKA losttimeless, he likes to send underage children his thigh pics 
                                                                on discord.com , and flexes having "godly opsec", well, today, his "goldy opsec" 
                                                                was completely ruined.

                                                                                                  0x1..: Personal
                                                                                                  0x2..: Location
                                                                                                  0x3..: Family
                                                                                                  0x4..: Breaches
                                                                                                  0x5..: Socials
                                                                                                  0x6..: Credit


                                                            »  Alias.........................: Kyrofrost / Kyro / Lxsttimeless
                                                            »  Name..........................: Dominic Xavier James
                                                            »  Age...........................: 
                                                            »  Location of Birth.............: USA
                                                            »  Location......................: 2408 Rock Quarry Rd, Raleigh, NC 27610
                                                            »  Race..........................: White
                                                            »  Sexual Orientation............: Straight (?)
                                                            »  Gender........................: Male
                                                            »  Weight........................: (/)
                                                            »  Height........................: (/)
                                                            »  Mobile Phone Number...........: +1-910-6895333 (Moms) (Registered on discord.com)


                                                            »  House Address.................: {0x1_location}
                                                            »  Job Address...................: The Carter Clinic, P.A


                                                            »  Mom's Name....................: Danicia Phelps
                                                                -> Mom's work................: The Carter Clinic, P.A 
                                                                -> Mom's location............: {0x1_location}
                                                                -> Mom's Email...............: danni.boulton@gmail.com
                                                                -> Mom's Phone...............: +1-910-6895333

                                                            »  Dad's Name....................: Joseph Ellerbee
                                                                -> Dad's work................: (n/a)
                                                                -> Dad's location............: {0x1_location}




                                                                »  Discord...................: SQL_DELETED as of 4/30/24                                                  
                                                                »  Telegram..................: SQL_DELETED as of 4/30/24                                                         
                                                                »  Doxbin....................: SQL_DELETED as of 4/30/24                                                         
                                                                »  Twitter...................: SQL_DELETED as of 4/30/24                                                         
                                                                »  Youtube...................: SQL_DELETED as of 4/30/24                                                         
                                                                »  Twitch....................: SQL_DELETED as of 4/30/24                                                         

                                                                                  silent.sql.....: Most of OSINT
                                                                                  ant............: Email and phone number
                                                                                  daunting.sql...: Emotional support  
