**need help with this dox with things such as finding addresses or maybe a state as I couldnt find a clue to where she could be other than some very broad things*
Reason for dox: She's a delusional fuckhead that should be in jail. Its extremely surprising to me that she isn't already in jail. she has threatened others, claimed she was a prostitute, and said blood boiling things about her own daughter.
She is an enraged lunatic and I hope she rots in hell. I wont be putting any of the child's name in the dox out of respect for him but I'm sure you can find out his name or anything else you need on your own
here are some examples of things she has done be warned some of it is graphic. It is alleged that her boyfriend raped her daughter and she supported it.
https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dgy0K_9UwAAz1Wx.jpg according to some posts her child was actually taken from her and no longer lives with her 
she is completely dillusional
note: this dox is pretty much what I could gather in about 10 minutes any information will be added to the dox 

Name: Brittany Johnson
Age: 19 (January 4, 2001)
face: https://files.catbox.moe/j9ad0y.jpg
*not to mention she has a shitty scam in her bio*