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    \|__|     \|__|\|__|\|_______|\|_______|\|__| \|__|\|__/__/ /\ __\ 
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Reason: begged us to follow his twitch, and said we couldn't find his info.                                             
 ____               _         _____          __       
|  _ \             (_)       |_   _|        / _|      
| |_) |  __ _  ___  _   ___    | |   _ __  | |_  ___  
|  _ <  / _` |/ __|| | / __|   | |  | '_ \ |  _|/ _ \ 
| |_) || (_| |\__ \| || (__   _| |_ | | | || | | (_) |
|____/  \__,_||___/|_| \___| |_____||_| |_||_|  \___/ 
Name:                           Michael Francis Christopher
Age:                            20
Education:                      Roanoke College
Known Passwords:
funnyjokesters@gmail.com	9-11-****
funnyjokesters@gmail.com	911****
funnyjokesters@gmail.com	bigmich****
funnyjokesters@gmail.com	bigm****
funnyjokesters@gmail.com	ra****
funnyjokesters@gmail.com	r***
funnyjokesters@gmail.com	sel.a****
funnyjokesters@gmail.com	sel.alper@yande****
Current Location:
8311 Hunting Hill Ln
Mc Lean VA 22102
Previous Locations:
Arlington, VA
Fairfax, VA
Reston, VA
Mc Lean, VA
Single-family residence
Square footage: 2,552
Lot size (acres): 0.46
Bedrooms: 5
Bathrooms: 4
Year built: 1970
Year sold: 1992
Last sale price: $440K
Price / sqft: $172
Tax assessment: $974K
Tax / sqft: $381
(703) 827-0927
 ______                 _  _        
|  ____|               (_)| |       
| |__  __ _  _ __ ___   _ | | _   _ 
|  __|/ _` || '_ ` _ \ | || || | | |
| |  | (_| || | | | | || || || |_| |
|_|   \__,_||_| |_| |_||_||_| \__, |
                               __/ |
Mark M Christopher
Age 60s
Steven S Christopher
Age 20s
Andrew Mark Christopher Jr.
Age 60s
Leslie N Christopher
Age: 60s
    /\                                  | |       
   /  \    ___  ___  ___   _   _  _ __  | |_  ___ 
  / /\ \  / __|/ __|/ _ \ | | | || '_ \ | __|/ __|
 / ____ \| (__| (__| (_) || |_| || | | || |_ \__ \
/_/    \_\\___|\___|\___/  \__,_||_| |_| \__||___/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maniac1122/
Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/MANIAC1122
Itch.io: https://tl.net/blogs/maniac1122
Team Liquid: https://tl.net/forum/profile.php?user=maniac1122
Roblox: https://www.roblox.com/users/561657293/profile
Twitch: https://twitch.tv/manic1122
  __                                          , _                         
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|     /  | |/ / |  |  |/ / |     |/\_|  |     |__/|/\  / \_|/ /|/|  | /\/ 
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